Why do cannonballs fly?
That children may symbolically die?
Can they ever be banned, my Friend?
Is it a possibility that war might end?
never again to begin?
I’d have to say not- unless the will to live symbolically be first forsaken. That is saying a lot.
That a chance beyond words be taken.
A search will reveal a symbolic life is chosen by those who are fearful and a further look will clearly show that never has there been nor will there ever be a drop of security inside a symbol. All of them are fake. Flags wave by the strength of the wind and the answer in the wind is where wisdom begins. All who choose a pretend life, symbolically, must die the same symbolic way. War with its terror not Heaven is the ultimate destination of a symbolic life. Do you not see it has to be that way?
Can a man even recognize a symbolic act anymore when he sees one? Look, if humans needed a symbolic leader, recognized by a select group, life would be pointless. It would mean in order to escape a horrible, inevitable consequence every human born will have to give up on having a life of their own and follow a prescribed life of symbolic order described by rituals and symbols handed out by human voices who have always an undisclosed motive to control you.* Their true face is well hidden. Meaning you have no life at all. So, no life at all had already accomplished all a symbol is worth before you came to be. Such a life loses vitality and withers. God is bored to tears.
Now, for a wonderful discovery. Words are symbols. Each individual life, naked of words, has its meaning. Each has as much meaning as the meaning of any other that cannot be erased by the use of words. Or, correspondingly, every child born is a sacred world unto itself. I know that because my own life showed me that for me nothing symbolic will do. It has to be real for me. Actually lived, life is vital. It fulfills. Totally.
- Do you not see that organized causes and all their minions are but packs of tricksters and thieves offering to take from you everything they can steal? Learn for yourself to trace these things back to their source and to expose the flimflam for yourself. It is your life after all is said and done.