What We Ask For We Receive
But we are asking the wrong question for we ask our question prematurely.
Question not: How Can I Make The World Better? This question is asked by someone who is shopping for a goal. Some certainty is desired but adding certainty to confusion means I am certainly confused, am I not? A person who is confused knows not even what life is all about. If I do not know life I am not alive. I am dead.
First ask: Am I Alive In This One? In the world as it is. And I suggest a serious trial when you are ready.
Seek to know whether I am actually alive in this chaotic world I am in. Or, could it be I am merely a conditioned thought machine run wild spewing out thought after thought after thought ad infinitum? And, seriously, could my runaway thoughts be the source of the chaos I experience? Can I cease my thinking? Even for a second? How about 1/2 of 1/2 of 1/2 of a second? Can confusion be ended? Where confusion ends clarity is. An empowered person, alone, is alive. If you think what was just written to be a selfish statement, notice that only a human who is clear standing alone a complete unknown can be of any real help to anyone else. Am I alive? Do I even want to be alive? Does the question am I alive frighten me? So, is it clear to me now I am somebody else’s thought machine too frightened to stop its motion or interfere with its chaos?
I am here. It is clear. I am not too frightened to risk some thought becoming reality in order to be alive. Everybody must get stoned.