ya like to make $250,000? Do you know any red blooded American boy
who would turn that down?
what you are asked to do is a little bit shady? A good deal shady?
Down right felonious? Who in the employ of a corporation of a size
large enough to influence legislation is not confronted with such
challenges? Is it not the expected? When does a young person find it
out? First year? Even before that?
are we kidding? We all live off the crimes. Even the small
businesses are taking chances of being caught for wrongdoing to make
larger profits. It is so tempting and so contagious. What else can
be expected in a society that worships wealth measured in dollar
earnings? Universities cheat at football to make big dough.
Universities! Elementary schools cheat the system every day. Doctors
cheat patients constantly. Lawyers cheat clients. Priests cheat
families. The manager cheats the artist. The fan cheats the musician.
And spouses? Parents? Kids? Fact is, you would have to look very
closely with a powerful microscope or a blood hound to find anyone
not cheating his way to the top and one of the most outrageous myths
told and retold in the public media is that before law and order was
brought into the picture in a wholesale way and made to be present
constantly the place was filled with crime. Then it becomes easy to
convince the public that we must have ever increasing police
protection. It is seemingly apparent to everyone that wild, free
people are horrible people. And yet, all the evidence points to the
opposite. Controlled, manipulated conforming populations are wicked
beyond belief. Living wild things actually get along in a naturally
balanced way with little, if any, malice present. Wealthy members of
the elite corps of citizens who want to believe they got that way by
hard work and honest toil (and not by cheating) go to sleep at night
in expensive mansions knowing that many children in their communities
are starving to death unable to sleep from the pain of hunger. Some
will perish in the night not because there is no food available, but
because it is not available to them.
is not the intention here to leave an impression that the poorer
members of a cash driven society are victims. They are more
accurately viewed as the losers in a contest of questionable virtue.
In this setting it is the intention to suggest to the losers a new
way of living.
popular message is that when the lights go out on society's fun
bubble of greed all of us will eat each other raw. It is at least as
likely we will all finally love one another again. I would say the
odds lie heavily on the side of peace. What is known, and has been
so for thousands and thousands of years by some, is that if any man
or woman chooses to step free of the game being played and give
reality a chance to show what it can do for someone, anyone willing
to accept it, wealth beyond one's wildest dreams. What is promised is
a way of life that is passionately felt, and fully realized in a
fulfillment at the core of one's being. That, and only that,
satisfies the human heart. The other choice is to remain in a rigged
game like Las Vegas with its flashy lights knowing that even if you
win the prestigious award society praises you will know it is given
out by liars with dirty hands which will cancel any hint of your
deserving any glory. Lest you try, you will never know the purity
that is felt and so known by a completely anonymous person who has
given all that he has to save another.