the Beginning, when man had been around on Earth awhile, Man and God
had a meeting under a tree.
God, ummhh, Sir, Lord, that is, I have a plan to present on behalf
of all men and women.
Oh? What is it?
We are practically unanimous in our belief we want a world we can
call our own.
The one made does not suit you?
Well, it is fine for all the others, but, for humans it is stifling.
You have been forced to be free and it stifles?
We do not experience it that way. We do not even exist is how we
feel about it. So many choices. So much uncertainty. Turn left, turn
right. We are stuck. We need something we can count on. We need orders.
Rules. A Plan. We really need examples to follow.
Umm. Go on then.
Lord, we drew up such a Plan and I have it here. Now it is complex
and lengthy and if were to undertake to spell it all out for you I
would have to talk for my whole lifetime and not be finished and I do
not wish to spend my life that way and you are so wise and I believe
if I tell you some of its parts you will see it all quickly enough
and be able to give us your blessing and we can begin. Is that in
accord with your will. Lord?
Thank you, a thousand thanks.
A simple thanks will do.
We begin by making it abundantly clear the Plan is always to be
administered under your ultimate authority and in accord with Divine
Will. No question.
we want to install human authority directly under your command and
wishes and provide that all such authority flows directly from you
and is to be obeyed as Your Will on Earth. That idea will be repeated
and repeated so often it cannot escape the attention of all You have
equipped with some slight even power of intelligence and the rest
will be made to follow as lambs follow a shepherd. In this way we
guarantee all humans will love and adore and serve you above all
That is about the silliest thing you guys have come with so far and
the saddest thing ever spoken is to hear you tell that you think a
human exists who is not fully equipped for the task of following its
nature to do its part in a play of wonder and delight. But continue
and get to the essence soon. I have business.
Naturally, Lord. As we see it, only by establishing strong rule by
certain qualified, properly instructed humans over the rest can we
assure You that You Are In Charge. It's like this. We'll kick 'em
in the ass but as clearly as possible with the understanding it is
Your Holy Foot they are receiving. We plan to add it hurts us more
than the victim. And statements that amount to: hey, this is not my
idea, it is the Will of God Almighty!
example, Lord, we are to have family units, comprised of two parents
and their legitimate children as defined by law. Parents will
dominate the children with a firm hand but only along with a frequent
reminder in clear and hefty terminology that the head of the
household serves God and is to be treated that way by his children.
Surely that will show them.
That's absurd! My young children, who know me, legitimate or not,
will make fools of you. It is clear to me already you have no idea
who you are nor to whom you are addressing these complaints. Am I
correct? Never mind. Continue.
We are counting on many techniques, clever and slick ones, like
flags, school songs, parades, saluting, bowing, allowances, manners,
career ladders, drafts, polls, advertising, gimmicks, prizes,
diseases, school holidays, threats, meetings, drills. Many, many
others. Parents will share, not equally mind you, but share in
complex systems of power and control over all that the kids will be
made to desire. It will work. Give us a chance, won't you?
A chance? You propose to me an absurd world that is bound to drive
every child insane. I told you that in My World, (stop capitalizing
my name!) in my world (that's better) all are made to be free. There
is no gift so grand as that of freedom. You make the absurd
proclamation that all authority rests with me ultimately so why in
heaven's name do you insult me with a concocted set of symbolic
gestures and games and unintelligent ritualistic hogwash to ensure me
a palace above it all? I bet you have hidden somewhere in that plan
of yours some silly pointy hats. Do you believe you can mock me?
Should you defy me and create the world you have outlined to me it is
promised here and now i will have nothing to do with it. You, who
experience pure freedom as non-existence! Get out of my sight to open
your own eyes to see. It has been so ordered.
But, Lord, I am... I am... I am...
Do you perceive me?
Certainly, Lord.
Who then perceives a god? Is it not more than the perceived?
Go! Trash your Plans. Take a lantern of intuitive faith. Find the
unperceived. It is so ordered!
written as it was heard spoken,