Nothingness. What is that? Not a thing. What is a thing? A thing is a thought. A thought gives a name to the thing a thought has made. A number of things made in this manner are put together by thought into a set of thoughts and a system is made to be distinguished from other things. After some time a scientist is made by thought to study these systems and measure and compare thoughts which will cause the scientist to take pride in considering these contrived things in systems to be the observable world as it actually is when such is utter nonsense. And all this malarky will have been mostly brought about through pride as a manner of giving the scientist a profession to profess. Scientists, lawyers, doctors of medicine, teachers, preachers and priests, politicians, psychologists, philosophers, soldiers and their officers, artists, athletes, computer scientists, and all the rest have arisen in this manner and the list can go on forever.
So, is nothingness what we most fear and loathe? But is it, after all, what was there before naming? Why do we fear it so? What do you know of nothingness, especially what do you know of how it feels to you? All of us had to have experienced nothingness at the beginning of our lives. Can we now? It is surely a great challenge to find out. Just one thought can blot out nothingness.
It is like nothingness vanishes in the presence of thought. But that cannot be so, can it? That would have to mean the world created by man is more real than that that preceded it. I can understand as a fact that is not so. By that, I can at least meet up with nothingness if only for a moment before thoughts return. Meeting nothingness is the greatest feeling known by me. The question came: why can I not keep that feeling all day? The answer came: it is entirely up to you. Nothingness is always with me now even when things can be taken out in its presence for a useful purpose and then put away. A useful purpose for things is tying my shoes. When nothingness is my consciousness I have no urge to control a thing. Controlling is not. All is friendly.