ANNOUNCING! Grand Opening of the Swan River Theatre!
Politicians say, Make America Great Again, Vote for me.
What do they mean tossing the term, “America” at us? Is it in the government offices in Washington D.C.? Is that where “America" resides? Is it on the printed money? Is its voice heard in false positions of power wielded over others? Can it ever be? Is it jobs? Is it in institutions? Is it an army, navy, and air force? Is it law and order as determined by fiat and punishment? Is it a chain of prisons? Is it glamour, sports and entertainment? Do not answer too swiftly. Give it some thought. What do you think? What do you want it to mean to you from now on?
The politicians speak of it as if they had understanding of the term when they have not any. Little do they know that “America” insofar as the word has any meaning in reality is not a place marked on a globe. It is a magical spot that is at the same time vast beyond measure and so tiny it can never be located to be attacked or mocked. It is where all people who are born come from and long to return to and mostly they wish to return because of the confusing mess politicians have made claiming they are the experts on the subject, “America”. It can be things like those listed and many more or it can be humanity’s gate that never closes. It can be confusing or it can be simple. When will we learn that politics speaks only to the worst in us? Fear, greed, intolerance, envy, lust, hatred, rage, violence, vengeance. The other “America" listens to and speaks to only our goodness: which includes love, patience, kindness, tolerance, courage, stamina, appreciation of beauty, contentment, self reliance, simplicity, joy, wisdom, all supporting a peaceful co-existence. That is where we wish to live.
Maybe “America” is something so important its name ought never have been spoken. The essence of its meaning to those who crossed uncertain seas looking for something better is certainly unspeakable. We know it when we feel it. So, it is recognized by every human being. It is the first treasure. The one from which all other good, life-enhancing treasure flows. It is a treasure no one can own or hold as his own in any way, shape or fashion. It cannot be held, printed, banked, or counted. It is the heartbeat and the first breath.
Then it must be obvious no man or group of men and
Now, if there is a poet out there with an original thought it would be nice to hear something like, “America” is freedom of each of you to be true to thine own self. After all is said and done, it is the only decent way to live.
You can be reminded of the meaning for your own self at the Swan River Theatre tonight.