LOVE, or the Misuse of the Word
Sing out-
I will not attach to you and let you attach to me
I would not do that to anyone I love.
How could I? I’m you.
I love you and we mustn’t attach.
When two people attach love goes flying away
Attachment actually divides, look, you’ll see it’s that way
Divided humans, those husbands and wives call attachment “love”
out of fear of the greatest mystery either below or above.
And ‘cause fearful people tend to avoid the unknown
for those attached true love will never be known.
How could it? We misuse the word “love” to attach
trying to evade the power of these everlasting facts.
Selfless, love will always favor its freedom.
Billions of selves say desire to “belong” to another is love, a twisted and tangled up misnomer; and it follows as night the day that detachment’s the futile act of the same illusory rascal;
so this writer claims that to love one other person and not love all the rest is just impossibly fantastical!.
Love is no possession of mine.
Love is not cash or credit; it’s life’s beat and it’s rhyme.
Love, the word, can only truly be applied to a state of being fresh. wild, and free.
A poet’s dimension. Two, having fallen for no reason stand back up god and goddess to make a poem to praise all the nimble creatures in a tree!
While “Love” mis-used most pop-u-lar-ly
means: “How’dcha like to own somebody just like me?”
That is not what Christ meant by “loving one another”;
the Lord’s one commandment, means “ Go forth, My lovelies, be free!”
To be spoken-
It is so obvious by now how much goes wrong, how much suffering takes place in the popular misuse of the word “love” and not just between husbands and wives; between parents and children, siblings, fellow combatants in competitive dramas, religious fanatics attached to a guru, covetous nations with flags, distraught people clinging to a mutual hatred of a defined and named group of “others”, the capture and training and breeding of wild animals, the entire enormous, complex commercial enterprise surrounding marriage, family, and home making and so on. Even the climate changes. Dogs bark differently. The saying goes, “everybody does it” “so I have to do it”. That’s a worn excuse.
It is safe to say all of the above confusion comes from “desire”. Desire comes directly and only from peoples’ thoughts. Definitely, love is not made by thoughts. You must see that! Really need to see that!
Man makes desires, God is love! Since man makes desire he can end it. See it like it is: “I made it. I am desire.” Stay with that fact. Do not evade it. Simply watch it. You will see it fade away as so much dust. It is so important to finally learn the change we need is never going to be realized from a “project” of accomplishment. No mantra, no set of beliefs, no ritual of any nature will save us. It is all about seeing beyond illusion.
It takes a new brain to build something truly new. The old one is too much damaged to be dependable in important matters. Who or what can renew a brain? Ask the maker of love inside the gap of time within the whole of human consciousness within you and it shall be so.
It is suggested here: a new brain can look at games of sport as totally cooperative and grand festivities whereby others make it possible for each on the field to discover the hidden excellence within him and her. That is the payoff! Absolutely no place is there for trophies or championships or flattery or insult or any of the other stuff which make fools of unbelievably noble human beings. Make us dull and boring in ridiculously repetitive schedules year after year leaving most crying “wait til next year!” All of it fake for the benefit of commercial enterprise. Guaranteeing nothing we say we “love” is sacred on the Earth.