The New Human
Around me a whole new breed of people are here who live in a psychological world without past or future who are good at what they do but do it from something entirely different than the kind of people who have a past and a future. The ones with a past and future have inhabited Earth for a very long time and are compelled to explain and analyze what they do in terms of a system based in competition. The members of this new type explain nothing they do but offer comments like "we do what is the next thing up to do" and "we love what we do"..."we love each other"..."we read the whole field at once".
These two types are all bunched up together in various human activities. I suspect the ones without time actually get what the others are doing but have no interest in joining them and know they have no need to fear the ones who live in time but the ones with a past and future have no clue what the timeless ones are doing or how they do it or even whether they are doing things in a different way and still insist on explaining everything on the basis of competition.
Writing this makes me laugh happily. There is something comical going on among these new humans who seem to say as they remain upright, calm, and on even keel: "I see what you do while considering a past and a future is mechanical and has you going nowhere accomplishing nothing whereas merely doing the next thing up is a wonderland open to that which is always timeless, new, and exciting and puts much less wear on the body!