“I love you” as it is spoken by people to each other is like a cowboy who throws a rope over a calf. It means, “Do not be alarmed, little one, I know what is good for you better than you do. I will take care of you. Trust me.” At the slaughter house it will have occurred to the now cow “Hmmm. I doubt that cowboy was my friend.”
How did we get to this point and how long ago? It comes from the thoughts of the speaker and is named “attachment” by those who examine into the human brain. A human is driven somehow to say these 3 little words to others at what is thought by the speaker to be the appropriate time. It definitely means now “Gotcha!” Civilizations teach that one should reach this moment with certain others in order to be “proper”. But, is it?
Without going further at this time, let me offer to you that there is, as a fact, unattached love. No vocabulary will ever reach into it. It is a pure feeling. When felt, words such as “I see the beautiful embodiment you are” might come. It is a whole other thing from what is meant by “I love you” inside today’s societies. Self is not present. Time is not present. When both parties are together in the same timeless moment there will be a mutual love experienced as a fact, not as a concept. It can be trusted without doubt. When the two, or one of them, are not feeling the presence of unattached love itself it is a matter of how much the actual fact means to them. Will they see what is missing or remain outside love’s direct experience resorting to selfish methods insisted upon by attachment? Attachment carries “possessiveness” in the form of life in a cage. That sucks. Fact of love is beautiful. Concept of love is sorrow. Fact of love allows no room at al all for concepts as it is another dimension from thinking entirely.
I feel like weeping now, not smiling.