We are each somebody busy trying to be somebody else. The poets call it dreaming.Those who would be teachers call it a good idea. Institutions hope it will lead many to join their group. Walt Disney called it imagination. Bosses call it fresh meat. Wise ones call it being a fool. Life is lived by a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage and is heard from no more…a tale told by an idiot…full of sound and fury…signifying nothing…and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. (some lines of wisdom about ambition drawn from Macbeth by W. Shakespeare)
You want to be somebody else because you want to be secure, admired, loved, accepted. Right? Being somebody else guarantees the one who wants those things will never know them. Any who know true love will be their own person. Get to know all you can about love.
Think about it. Listen. If one has got to be somebody else is it not obvious that one who is rejected by himself cannot possibly ever know love or be part of anything or belong anywhere? Life, in that case is totally wasted…lived by somebody else…and that somebody else is you mesmerizing itself. Find out who you really are.
The real you is consciously aware that he or she is the world and the world is he or she. That is the birth of true love and compassion. If I look into your eyes and recognize we are one that love is real and will not change according to time or culture or anything born of time and thought. It is altogether different from a love that arises from me (a product of culture) loving you ( only another cultural image). That love is the love of idiots. It’s a wonder they still can feed themselves. (last line borrowed from Bob Dylan song Idiot Wind) It is advised you listen carefully to a Dylan song Tombstone Blues now. I shall.