We serve symbols.
We ignore facts at our own peril.
Vital is it we change and soon.
Fact: Every human being on Earth is very, very, very valuable.
Almost all humans on Earth are overlooked for many and various reasons all stemming from ignorance. That ignorance stems from serving symbols.
Inside the limits of any game of symbols there will, of course, be winners who excel far beyond the masses. These people are symbolized as celebrities (winners) and all the rest are encouraged to imitate the winners in the tiny, almost minuscule chance they might themselves or their children become winners. The major games are called civilizations or nations and their subparts. Such arrangements pale in the face of a world where facts are superior to symbols.
In such a world lighted by truth everybody has plenty and enjoys life abundantly.There are no leaders in such a happy world, only trusted servants. And here, my friends is the very best news:
This world can be occupied by anyone who chooses to live there now by simply making a commitment to oneself to cease to serve symbols.
And the symbol-servers will never suspect you have taken such action for to them there is no such place as Utopia on Earth. The moment two of us make the shift we will be drawn to each other and will recognize each other as one of the once misfit now fellow travelers on the road of happy destiny as a lightening strike of fact makes the rain fall at last.
And how many of the wisest must say there is no greater beauty in life than the lost, forgotten, rejected, hated and despised redeemed and given new life before it is true?