The investigation is
complete and the treasure found and the treasure is simple. Humans
come to Earth with the profound inside them, all of it. Priests were
invented when the attempt was made to extract the profound from its
source and pretend it needs to be taught, making it the subject of
special Holy Men or Women. Ever since, people have blindly accepted
the situation described in books as if asleep. Priests' first job is
to hypnotize victims into believing God ordained them to serve this
way. Look close and you will see. It has always been priests
ordaining priests.
But, even the most
dedicated atheists have been so hypnotized. They are closer to truth
because at least they do not follow priests. However, they are
robbed of the divinity in their breasts as much as the hypnotized
believers based on their strong and justified mistrust of the
religious who shout, heresy! We all got robbed.
If you see a scene
wherein a man and woman embrace and kiss in a way that causes a
special feeling to arise in you and you have to name what you saw and
you name it love you may try to teach others to love each other. You
cannot. Do you not see that? It, what you observed, was in the
people, not separate from them. Any attempt to separate it and deal
with the abstract notion you believe you have found is madness which
ruins something exquisite which remains at home in the hearts of us
all. If you wish love for others do the obvious...love them.
Art is an
inseparable quality of each human being to evolve its own beautiful
way. Love is an art. Life is an art. Once understood, one
automatically drops the names, life
and love and
art and simply
and genuinely accepts
what is. The feeling is peace. Once
that is understood,
one drops the term peace.
The attempt to separate parts of what cannot be separated by
naming them and then dealing with them as abstract notions you
believe you have discovered is madness.
And it is the crude
treatment science uses to understand something by cutting it apart
and examining the parts. For instance, there is no such thing as
agriculture. What you have called up until now, learning, is
a substitution of fantasy for reality. All and every so-called
helping profession is a form of madness. Little wonder they have such
tragic effects on those they purport to serve. Rather than violently
slice, chop and hack up art, decide to serve it. In so doing, you
will rediscover lost abilities to know all about yourself and others
in a new way of life that works!
Some time it's best
to feel all alone…
gotta feel somethin'
like that when you bo'n...
Some time it's best
to be out on your own
jus' hands, a voice,
an' skin an' bone
Nobody needs a suit
to put upon
an' nobody needs his
name carved on stone
What's yer name,
Got nu'n
Let's go, Got Nu'n.
William Blake wrote
all this better than me a long time ago. Most called him crazy. About
here is when it pays to be crazy.