What Can Be Known (Lived) By All Of Us?
My daughter and her husband and my grandson are living at a beautiful meeting place in Santa Elena, Costa Rica that has been shut down in response to COVID-19. It appears to me a very nice arrangement and at just the right time for them. How many other shut down buildings could be homes for the homeless today? This morning I came to a feeling that all is well for all of us and we know it. Really have known it always. We, each human being, like Walt Whitman and Bob Dylan, contain multitudes and know it. It would seem the Friends Group is taking care of the needs of my son’s family during this unwanted experience shared by all worldwide. Friends who share at that level are taking care of themselves and each other simultaneously. That, not governments nor churches, is the simple solution that someone is trying to remind us is so. Churches and governments are stymied. And, forgetting their very teaching and preaching, fail to turn themselves full bore into dedicated helping enterprises for the needy. And, by the way, we are all needy and now must know it. It’s always been up to us, not them!
My son fed 10 people breakfast yesterday. It is a very fine plan we are. I am being taken care of in place by the same truth. Have been for 25 years or more. Be you.
Be I am. Multitudes must follow immediately. So be it. It is done.