I am lost.
I need an experience of something greater than me to revive me by showing me who I can be or something…
I have met you here before, do you recall?
You asked me then to give you an experience.
I refused.
So long as you think you want an experience to save you, you will remain in the clutches of a being lost carrying a map that is a false promise of some future reconciliation with what you only believe you lost. I refuse to serve that lie.
But on my own I cannot find my way home.
You are home.
What? I am lost!
You are not the lost one who wants an experience. Probably because that one knows you are already home and needs to keep you lost or lose its hold over you it will send you experience after experience. You are the experience you seek. And when you accept that totally you will not be able to say you ever were lost. Whatever brought you here is going to have to take you home. Not anybody else. It is nobody who longs to be you as you are who will never give you a useless map and useless instructions. You have always known this.
You can learn to press the keys on a piano in accordance with a system created by other human beings for their own amusement but what could be crazier than trying to learn how to be yourself? Any attempt in that direction absolutely must lead away from you. You are the courage to stop it.