Think over this.
The dominant theme of every civilization has been -
Look what we built. We put together ideas to make a way of life run by a few great leaders who brought forth a conquering wave of violence to claim a whole Empire. It was financed by a false system of abstract wealth and placed upon the backs of a hypnotized citizenry taught to value it above all else and call it THE REAL WORLD. Our children will thank us for it, was the mantra.
Have any children ever thanked their parents for teaching them to believe in an empire of this sort? No. It taught them life is a tragic mistake, make the best of it while you can and pass it on.
People who believe in Dynasties say nothing is accomplished without sacrifice. Notice that fact. Would it not be tragic to learn that accomplishment was never the aim; but simply to spread love to everybody? I am certain children would never cease thanking their parents for that.