After being plagued with miseries arising from within me from anger, fear, hatred, and sex problems for some period of time I suddenly admitted to myself that I am all of it and can do nothing about that. I came to an abrupt halt with all dialog over the years of denial and the commitments to become a better person. I had had it is the best I can express it. No more. In the instant I mention I met God in the sense I met the place inside where mankind must have originally discovered God-not the concept but the reality because as suddenly as I made the admission I felt the deepest peace I had ever known. The feeling is freedom. What a surprise I had! Never had it occurred to me that If I admitted my shortcomings in a genuine way, passionately, I would find what I had so long striven for. Peace at last!
In a miraculous fashion I had come to see the source of all my misery had been the “talking image” of my self that had been planted in my brain and fed by society and to discover true God as a breath of fresh air. The answer was blowing in the wind for me but I had been listening to confused noise and could not hear it. Suddenly, scriptural wisdom was freely my own. That which I was searching for I had. That which I was searching for I had not lost. It is situated in such a place it cannot be taken from me, a place where moth and dust do not corrupt. Divine consciousness makes me humanly present. No politics for me. No organized religion for me. I know that a regular bowel movement is far more valuable than discovering a gold mine.