To successfully kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution.
From INTO THE WILD, a film
Listen. There is a hole in your thinking wide as the Grand Canyon only it is never-ending in its bad effects. You are like a man who is trying to fill a water bucket which has a large hole in the bottom. Sit here and be still. The hole is a confusion among words we all use without knowing what we are talking about. The list is long. Reverie, Belief, Creed, Vision, Destiny, Imagination, Flight, Fancy, Verities, Principles, Proofs, Scriptures and so on. These are tossed about like the meaning does not need to be clear only to strike an emotional response to win an argument.
What is the spiritual revolution?
If one is talking to a listener who is clear-headed it is one thing. But, who in a crowd is clear-headed? Actually, if everyone were clear-headed no one would speak. All would know. All would be of the same mind. All would act together as one.
A clear-headed speaker means to tell what he has seen. Does not even suggest you believe him or her. It is spoken from love. It is like a tribe of humans lives in a valley where they have existed for many centuries surrounded by mountains which they have never climbed. In that Valley there has been developed a widely held religious belief that on the other side of the chain of mountains lives the All-Powerful Anointed One who loves us all. When a person dies, according to the belief, we ascend the mountain and live within the Heavenly Palaces of the Anointed Savior. One person climbs to the top of the mountains and looks over. He is so moved by what he sees he rushes home to tell the others. The one who has seen does not care to be believed. He cares only to say, “Go to the top and look over for yourself!”
No clear-headed human being wants a following. Such a one speaks from the heart to the hearts of listeners to encourage the spiritual revolution. See for yourself.
Up to this moment there is no evidence humans have ever understood the messenger. We decide to believe or not believe that the messenger saw what he tells he saw. By that, we separate into believers and non-believers. Neither believer nor nonbeliever knows what is so. The imagined belief or non-belief is the glue each bunch counts upon to bind them as a group to work together on building a better world for themselves. It works to make many changes inside each group but utterly fails on the side of making a better world. All generally agree things are getting worse. The winners of an argument seem to have prevailed all right but the truth has eluded them one more time. The people remain as blind beings in the valley of ignorance.
How many times must a man look up before he can see the sky?
Here’s a song-
The One LOVE.
Don’t be wasting any more time, babe, tryin’ to join together what Is already one.
That from the Beginning has been done.
Love is not for sale.
Won’t be worn as a ring on a finger or a thumb.
So, my dear, if you’ll quit trying to keep warm by swallowing the Sun something you always had but never knew you had will seem automatically to come.
You can’t mint love.
You cannot print love.
You can’t give or take it and
sure can’t forsake it.
It does for you and me what we never even thought we wanted done.
Just feel it. Feel it. Feel it.
All love asks of you is everything you claim you wish to have…
and then some.
Talkin’ ‘bout the One LOVE.