A human being is someone who realizes by the time he passes through childhood and adolescence that he is never going to know the whole truth because that is denied him and so his grownup solution is to work very hard all his life to gather as much knowledge as he can. Many become dedicated to scientific research which is an illusory escape from living as a human being. They just overlook their disordered lives and pretend to live together on Mars. As a scientist realizes that money is never going to be enough to satisfy him, his solution is to work hard all his life to gain as much money as he can. He is convinced money cannot buy happiness only drugs and other distractions to blot out its loss. Still he works hard for money. A human being recognizes he is violent. His solution is to try as hard as he can to be non-violent. A human being recognizes she is inconsistent and her life is not in order. Her solution is to work as hard a she can to achieve awards handed out for achieving the order which cannot be achieved. A human being recognizes he fails to work hard enough. Not to pick on scientists it is made clear that the very same fate awaits everyone attached to a career.
A human being has learned all of this by observing his parents and other adults and studying his own experiences of dealing with them. They are his teachers. Is it any wonder man is a mess? Is anybody out there who is ready to address only the facts instead? For those it will be a solitary voyage with no teacher but oneself. But freedom is coming to you. See how what you have been taught from the past is creating a non-existent world you must complain about for the reason that it exists not. Humans like Walt Whitman and Albert Einstein and Bob Dylan have broken through all that to present something original in place of the expected.
Observe that one’s society is telling one constantly what you are expected to do to become someone worthy. Not fulfilled but worthy. Worthy of what?