I rode upon a beam
to Planet Earth to exist here as a human being.
From that moment until it is time for me to go I belong where you find me. My sense of belonging comes from within me not from without. This is my time. This is my story. Only I can know it.
Even someone who sleeps next to me in the same bed night after night will not. And I will not know her story. It is in that intimate sharing we know each other to belong here as we are and know how to share the plums generously. It is the only way. Then we can let each other enter our dream as an unknown equal.
I heard it said many times that it is a dangerous thing when people are not seen as who they truly are but the speaker is usually referring to how evil some other person is and not at all considering the effect of not being seen as one who belongs here as much as any other can claim to belong. When that occurs a candle is lit in the heart of a wrongdoer which will light other candles. Being seen is what it is all about. Seeing others is why we beamed here in the first place.