Do nothing that is to be done leaving all hunger to the children of my prairies and cities. To whatever is in your mind pay no mind and sit until there is a robin landed on your shoulder three times and ask nobody to go for a walk in the shoes you wear. Shed your tears. Seek for nothing that is to be your heart’s only servant and lord. A green door waits in an orchard where fruit weighs heavy on branches with no wish to produce a baked pie because it is along the last way home that many people believe in pairs and know not who will send them out to pick apples.
Questions of the delivery basket-
Without sin who is among us to judge anybody else?
Is it sinful to bite one’s own finger?
Where is there one who knows the first thing of it all?
Is the least part of a thing any less the thing than the rest?
If I feel the like of reaching out does it mean you ought to associate me with talkers?
If you judge my frizziness as trouble for you will that pose a threat to energy?
What of matter?
The time has always been now for the doing by living God and nobody can change that for even a half of a second back or forward which had no beginning and has no ending
What say you is different between a waterfall and a cascade?
And The words "Thinking about sinning is sinning" were meant not to convict us all and imprison us in a tricky dogma but to set everyone free of sin totally at once!
Just see if you are better off when you do nothing at all. Have you ever given up something you wanted very much? Do those two have anything in common? Come on. You?
Thinking outside its limited field of material
practicality brings only sorrow.
Another way beats it every time.
What allows some power other than your self to act?
Does it mean leaning on something you think to be nothing at all?
Let it be known that nothing is really something and something really nothing at all.
Get this in your head.
Your brain will thank you.
Even stop its thinking outside its area of usefulness.
You won’t have to do a thing about that.
Action will be instant and clear.
Call it a pure action that has no thought preceding it.
Be not concerned about what anyone thinks of you period
They don’t.