is a mistake to have ever followed the suggestion in the first place
that life ought be organized, for, isn't it obvious enough that any
efforts to organize such a mysterious and wonderful fact as life
is going to be made by incompetent human beings who are its mere
servants, and mere beginners at that?
The primary hole in such a mad theory is the obvious-it is bottomed
in the presumption that life is not well organized as we, the living,
have received it! I am convinced by now that those who attempt its
organization are those who have failed totally to accept it on its
terms, meaning those of life.
And are miserable. And, being miserable, want to coerce a crowd of
other miserable ones to join them in a foolish
scheme whereby they intend to
run the show managing all the rest
as objects.
have seen the other side of it. Those who have
the terms as presented by the Giver of it are completely satisfied
with life
and will in no manner consider
for a moment any fantasized theory to alter
that relationship
and will laugh at any
plan presented them to outwit life. And the grandest fact of all is
these I have met who
are content with life, as it is, make wonderful companions who
treat each other with respect, interact in peace, and honor each
other as if they were meant to do so effortlessly. That is all I
wanted to say.