What is the
forgotten language Thomas Wolfe sought to find again, in order truly
to go home again? Do you ever feel you have left something important
behind in your rush to join into some celebration contrived by others
before you to get you on their side of things? To get you speaking
their language, thinking their thoughts, doing their waltz on
promises never quite delivered? Sort of like an editor at a great
publishing house using tricks to shape your beloved work into what
can be sold for a profit measured by dollars? He lies to you about
being a person dedicated to good books while castrating your wild
newborn so it will never reproduce its particular line of sensational
driftwood. Who has the figures to know what has been lost already?
Feel for one brief
moment breathing in and out with beating heart look inward from a
third eye opened by the gentlest touch of an index finger placed at
a shallow groove just above the brow directly over the nose. Tap gently there ever
so lightly keeping the other two eyes closed. The shadow within is
the friend you have forgotten. The one with you in the crib who never
left. Next, closing up the ears with the fat part of the thumbs, listen to
an ocean that lies inside the protective skull from which a body is
strung like an instrument for playing music to the bottom of the feet. If you have already named one,
observe that you are a sort of tree with four branches that walks
upon rather than being fastened within the earth. Observe it that you
are a worm, if you have named one of those, with arms and legs. When
you realize you are no big deal, notice how so many demons fall
silent. When that has happened how do you feel now?