We need to tell a new story, no, it is more deep than that, we need to cease the practice of telling a story altogether. The main character in the stories we tell is “My self”, a non-reality. That non-reality is our ideal image. Or, our punching bag every time we fail to achieve that poor non-reality’s ideal image. Self is the source of constant internal conflict. Stories about it only strengthen the superstition it is real. Even if I purport to tell a story about another I am really telling only about my self. It is possible once caught in the illusion to tell a story that will end stories. Such a thing clears up a lot of confusion and wastage of time and energy. That, of course, results in a large pool of both energy and intelligence to make action pure and way more effective. The story that ends stories reaches into the realm of indivisibility. Attempts to divide or separate the indivisible are mental tricks that are tearing the world of man apart everywhere on Earth. When I tell a story I am observing something that is not separate from me. I am the observed.
I learned recently the word "individual" for centuries after its origin meant "indivisible". Literally, that makes sense. What cannot be divided is individual. Suddenly, at a point a few centuries back it started to be used to mean someone who has "separate" interests, aspirations, or needs. In other words, it has come to be used to divide the indivisible. It is separation of me from the rest of you and separation of the indivisible internally into many contradictory parts or aspects. That is really stupid. Man, that has caused more sorrow for humans than can be measured. Isolation is killing us. It can be ended.