Brief Introductory Remarks Of An Ordinary Human Being
How Sharply Is Thy Razor?
Look into this. If I am to be truly useful to others it must flower from within me naturally and if it does so flower there is no reason for anyone to pay me for doing it. Or support my work. How sharply is thy razor? After all, I am doing what I love naturally. And will do it with no thought to be paid. And others will be served. So, what began the notion of work for pay?
And, furthermore, can any accountant show the figures for how great is the loss to society to follow such a practice,,,work for pay…rather than naturally serving one another through compassion’s love? Of course not. Those figures are not kept for the reason that nobody pays money to free the world from money’s grip.
Accountants are so tired of their work they insist on being paid to do it. They are not alone. Is it not obvious we demand pay only when we do not want to do the work? How sharply is thy razor? Know what they call someone, especially a woman, who does work she would not do if the money were not offered? It goes even deeper than that by far. How sharply is thy razor?
One cannot simultaneously act naturally and unnaturally. As in my story earlier, if a human being is doing work for any sort of selfish reward it means he or she is not doing what they are drawn naturally to do and there is no love. And there is so much pain in self-betrayal. Do the accountants & do-gooders have the figures for the cost in psychological and emotional terms to the human minds of a society practicing self betrayal for most of the adult years of each person’s life? Who will calculate the weight of the huge burden of resentment, anger, remorse, envy, self-hatred, self-pity, worthlessness, loneliness, isolation suffered by such workers and all those closest to such workers, the families? NOBODY WILL CALCULATE IT! There’s no money to be made in compiling those devastating losses! Another thing. Does anyone know or care what wealth might have been created had all members of a society been acting purely by a human’s natural, inborn compassion for others?
Laws are made to benefit a small minority of the population. A law that will benefit all would be completely unnecessary, would it not? Think about it. So, laws will always lead immediately to conflict between citizens. Must. Think about it. There is a joke that an atheist dies and is standing before the Pearly Gates where he is met by God. The atheist says, “Sir, please give me just one tiny sign that you actually exist and I will know”. Think about it. The certainty that laws made by man divide people is that strong. Love is what we need.
I heard a native Navajo story where a boy failed to chop any wood one day as he as supposed to do and the family was caught with an approaching winter storm where several would possibly freeze to death. The boy was chastised by his mother. The boy simply had been occupied with thoughts from a book of how he could be better off than he is so was out of touch with that in him naturally responsible for the welfare others. He ran to chop wood and saved the family. We too often do not even consider what good we miss when we suffer a society that preaches and insists upon unnatural selfishness above natural compassion. So, we stand ignorant of the fact that such a world is corrupt at its core. There is a price for such grave ignorance.
Here is a great secret to consider: to live outside the law one must be honest. In truth, as Shakespeare wrote it, when one is true to himself he cannot be false to anybody else. So, decide now to do for your work what you love and do it for nothing. Work like a beaver!
We say we dropped the atomic bombs on our enemy in WWII because we needed to end that war and save American lives yet do we have any concept how many factors that led to the war in the first place stemmed directly from ignorance of our own human nature? Why not? We are blind because our culture has insisted for too long on inattention to natural wisdom.
A final word. I was raised by my family to study the life of Jesus Christ. After years of living I understand what it was all about, finally. Jesus was seen by a few as a special human and was asked to show the way to the rest. What was special about him was that he was simply and fundamentally natural. It has been so throughout the story of societies that many who had found a way out were urged to teach another what cannot and need not be taught. To undertake to carry that load for another is a hard rain. Any human born in the midst of madness must find the way out alone. Why? The way out is “stay put”. You gotta dodge all the unnatural games crazy people play. One of the last is the game of “won’t you please show us how we make sense out of this chaos?”
We all suffer the same here…rich, poor, powerful, weak, pretty, ugly brilliant, talented, or not. We all feel an enormous lack. Whenever that is seen clearly by anyone, all comparison and measurement ceases automatically. That is what death will cause us to do everyone. Each one born dies. It is a perfect fact. And that is the great vitality in death. Take stock. How sharply is thy razor? Can one die early to live? Death is the surrendering of fear. Is resurrection possible for all living people now one at a time? The change by one will affect the whole. How sharply is thy razor?