Following some years of careful consideration I am gonna make a bold statement
When a human being accepts a position of authority over even one other person as say a professional; uhh, a short list would be as a teacher, preacher, business executive, lawyer, doctor, or a commissioned artist; that person better be careful every step of the way. I did that. I know. Listen to your heart’s own question- “Hey, Man, what are they buying from you, really?”
At some point the answer will come crystal clear. Those are wolves in sheep’s clothing and even they do not know it. They are bidding for my soul. They know something about people. They know that by owning my soul they will pay me hundreds of thousands a year today and make for themselves billions. That is a real unequal bargain. Take the case of a lawyer for example. Slowly but surely that job will become “just how far will you go to keep me?” Same is true for them all. If the person is not at all times clear the result will shock even him or her. You know what I mean.
You may wonder why I include a commissioned artist in my list, well, it’s because that decision is placing the artist at odds within himself just as is the case with the others on the list. Anyone at odds within himself is going to be confused in the conflict. It divides the artist in the same way as it divides the judge or the preacher. The person’s intelligence will gradually diminish so long as the conflict within continues. Faulty decisions will pile up. Now, I also want to add that Woody Guthrie is a model for that as an artist. He refused to be work for the do-re- mi. Just a popular example. Consider: can I work for the dollar and what it represents for me and those I call my family and at the same time work for the singer in the song of my heart? Which is the most reliable employer? It may be an uncomfortable question to someone but that discomfort stems entirely from our conceit. If anyone can rid himself of conceit then the answer to the question will be clear. All depends upon the level of the human being’s sincere yearning to know whether conceit can be obliterated never to return. That is the real work. Not the defined position of authority over others. Can I be rid of my conceit for good?
I am reminded of an old joke. Once a clever man was very much desiring to sleep with a particular woman. He asked her “would you go to bed with me for a million dollars?” Laughing, the woman replied, “I’d think about it; but, no, I would not not!” So, the clever man asked her, “Would you sleep with me for half a million dollars? “No” was her answer. Well then would you do it for say 100,000 dollars? “No.” “How about fifty dollars then?” “Are you crazy? Just who do you think you are talking to?” “LOOK, LADY, WE HAVE ALREADY ESTABLISHED THAT AND WE ARE NOW JUST HAGGLING OVER THE PRICE.”
It boils down to: if a man or woman wakes up in slavery nothing else matters but