A philosopher of some influence once said, “I think therefore I am.” He became a Lord. I serve my Lord, the Thinker.
What I see is this: I thought. I thought some more. Then thought created a thinker. Thinking took more and more of my attention. Thinking then became my almost all. Finally I was the thinker thought thought up and recorded as my self on my brain and now exist in that tiny, isolated way. So limited. So confused. So frightened. So depressed. Now I do not exist at all outside my thoughts. I see this. Beyond thinking I see Thought brings pleasure but always accompanied by its companion Pain. The source of my pleasure is the source of my pain. Let me out, please! My thoughts have killed me. Almost. Some not thought which sees thought in action has written this using thought as a tool. I have hope. Thought and hope. These two. There is no going back. I am outside the walls. I am home.