Up Wickedness?
A paper lay on the
table before the young person who had been told he is a citizen of a
country with morals and ethical standards. He could not fathom such a
possibility, that is, a nation having morals and ethics, things he
associated with individual, living human beings. Then he was told to
sign the document to show his agreement with its terms. As he read
it, he wondered: who do these people think me to be?
The document read:
hereby pledge to give up my wicked ways which are selfish and to
instead lead a moral life of loyal trustworthiness in my dealings
with all good citizens I encounter on life's way.
The young man signed
and began immediately to live a wicked life grounded in deceit,
competition, hatred, envy, greed, and malice, all of which were
unknown to him before signing. Thus did the boy learn that a man who
declares himself to be good is a bad man and he later wished he had
remained in his original state.