About 60 Tears Ago
About 60 years ago a young singer-songwriter gave to the world his song. Hard Rain. Some people sang along in agreement. Many others ignored it. But the astonishing fact is almost nobody acted. The singer wanted no agreement from his audience. He wanted to needle and sting someone into action.
Today, the words to the song are to be found free on the internet. Obtain a copy and listen as he sings the song on Youtube free again and again. Listen not to agree or disagree. For a change listen with your whole being, you are after all a human being. Be so. Hearing him in this way you will act. Gotta move the entire human race to a new home. Smell the smoke? Home is not a place on a map. Home is an experience of heart.
It is another dimension entirely.
Climate’s a-changin’
Time is running.
Now is here.