One who has been called a master has said, “The Way Out Is Within.”
It caused me to think how it is with the computer explosion. The whole happening depends upon a tiny chip. The tinier the better…the more the power…the more can be discovered, uncovered, and understood. The deeper and wider go its influences.
Where I live people worship the computer now more than any other resource by far. Surely it is so that we show our dedication openly by what it is that we most covet. By what we give most attention to. That is our god. How we see it as essential to our lives is astounding and growing, growing, growing. Who are we? We worship what was made by human hands. Ironically, it is going to lead us back home after much, much suffering just as has always been our destiny…unless… we see in time …less is more. Nothing is everything. The importance of every grain of sand. Beauty is found in the pointless. Unless we love.