If you, the Reader, are young and have a full life ahead of you, you hope, and you have one or more children, born or yet unborn, and you love them deeply do you want them to enter into this world as it is? Be serious, please. You love them dearly and you know this world must change if it is to be livable. What are you going to do? You tell me you are busy planning to do exactly what you have inherited as a way of living. I believe you. And yet, I want to urge upon you the realization of what a dangerous thing it is you are about doing. People are telling you to get on with it as your parents have done and their parents did and their parents going back as far as anyone knows. They tell you in so many ways constantly that for you to do anything else is unacceptable in the eyes of God. You buy it! How can you? Tell me you are deliberately going to accept these commands from others in place of the obvious facts before your own eyes! I don’t believe you.
How would it feel to you to say, instead, I know not what I am going to do with my life from this moment out but I know what I am not going to do? Will not the love for your children be enough to make you undertake the unknown that frightens you so? Who else but you?