If anyone suggests to you in any manner whatsoever that should you choose to join with them in some organized effort and should you be accepted they promise to educate, train, coach, and otherwise prepare you to become a real somebody in the world summon up instantly the raw, real courage from the depths of your being to look them straight in the eye and and reject the offer with upmost dignity and respect and tell them flatly “if you do not see that I am somebody as I am you have nothing to teach me that would not be a waste of my time. I see through your mask and want you to know your plan to condition me for some small part of life you have corrupted so as to serve your ambitions for power through control and domination of others that you personally or your bosses own and control is not to my liking! I prefer to go my own way standing barefoot in the good mud of Earth trusting that which you see not to watch over me as I wander delighted in wonderland. Thank you and good day. ”
To all those who wear masks of membership in some exclusive group with requirements for membership it appears that wanderers in an unknown land are trusting some craven false idol of their imagination too ignorant to realize the advantages we offer while the actuality is these courageous ones rely upon what abides in the heart closer than the veins in the neck and comes and goes a whole life long with each breath taken. There is no other so loyal, so true. It cannot get any more real.
The writer was from the outset a reluctant joiner. Only did he join what he was forced by law to sign up for. He attended a public school where his name was on the roll. He attended Sunday school up to age 12 but never joined to the dismay of many of his relatives who assured him he was bound for Hell for eternity. But those curses only strengthened his wish to walk alone when he considered how foolish would have been a decision on his part to shrink to a level to gain the approval of a group that would speak to a child in that manner. It is appalling that any human could so twist words up as to make that practice of clear abuse an act of love. Crazy!
In time, the child grew up in a world that appeared to be completely dominated by countless “groups” competing among each other in violent tones. He searched in it for anyone who might not be hating somebody else but found no one and eventually was dragged down to the level of the mask wearer world. He hated, hated , hated, and finally hated himself. He saw that you get to be President by working hard to get the majority of the mask wearers to vote for you in a weird campaign of lies. It sickened him. He even saw the President murdered serving inside the mask wearing political world. It was years later before he could see how damning of the corrupt world he had become lost in that act was. The boy fought back, but against whom? All he fought with were wearing many masks as well he discovered. They changed by night like Doctor Jekyll. No cause made any sense.
So, he pleaded within his heart to be helped. Help came. He met in rapid succession many who had been miserable like him who had found a way to live as humans inside an organization of humans that was and was to remain anonymous never to be organized! These ones had what the boy had lost…real courage.
For many years now the writer has lived a magical life of wonder and fulfillment daily as simply and clearly attentive to each moment. As such, he has wandered the avenues and boulevards of cities blessing the neighborhoods where he walks by his presence. Now, I ask you. Who is more vital and worthy? Such a one as just described or the CEO, Chairman of the Board, majority stock holder and founder of the most wealthy company on the face of the Earth? It is hoped the answer to you, the reader, is clear. If not, that it be clear soon is the writers wish. Do you doubt, for a moment, that one who is devoted enough to be what he is in the face of “PROMOTERS” will go uncared-for by its maker?