Do I want to understand or do I want to follow? Socrates said, “Know thyself”.
This is very important. The two are light years apart. These two are in completely separate dimensions. These are two distinct worlds.
The guru says, “Follow me. I have it. You do not have it. I will give it to you. What you seek I will give.” Hmm.
Be careful what you ask for.
Do I approach algebra, for example, to learn about myself, what I am, are do I approach that subject wanting to be led to a better place, that is, to achieve some ideal I am not? Am I a needy, greedy fellow wanting to be something more than I am? Is it my opinion that knowledge is power and I want power? Why do I want power? Do I want secretly to be a leader of others? Really? Can I see the answer to that? For most, life is but a competitive game. And in that state of mind I will be stuck because to drop out of the game is to be a loser and that I cannot face. You own a smart phone and carry it everywhere because you must be one of the crowd. Is that fear? Where, do you know, does fear lead the best of its followers?
If I attend AA meetings in order to achieve a whole lot of days without drinking alcohol what am I doing? Is it possible to attend meetings only out of a deep passion to understand who I am? Is that wise? In that approach, you might discover why you drank so much booze in the first place and be free. In the other, one may spend the rest of one’s life counting days. There is a big difference. Do we want to understand ourselves or do we want to be a good follower? Why is it a human being is so eager to be led? Is it easier? Is that a sound reason? Can one see how impossible it is to be led and also to find out the truth of oneself, both? Do not those two cancel each other? On the back of an AA coin is a saying from Shakespeare “To thine own self be true”.