Short Story of Love
a girl lived in the land of Somewhere.
did not find her prince though she searched for him. She did find a
prince uncharming though. So uncharming was he that she gave none of
herself away to him but kept herself for herself wholly and lived
happily for the rest of her days. They each got laid by the other
from time to time and it always was nice for them and between them.
And it really did not matter. What did matter however is that she was
a whole person. As one, she was in a position to give an immense
unsuspected treasure of her heart away to many others though not very
much to that uncharming prince who was too uptight to relax and enjoy
a gift. She did have children who were loved and knew it. Nobody
asked anybody who was going to support those kids what with all that
love there was indeed much to spare and then give away freely. The
girl learned as she became a woman that it is love and only love that
supports everybody who ever is born. Any other possibility is absurd,
she thought. She had seen that people who do not know how to love
(and there are so many) starve children in one way or another way.
children she bore grew up to be whole people as well. Seems that girl
broke a chain that had led a long line of human beings going back
thousands of years to live a hard life toiling to earn a living by
the sweat of their brow doing work they disliked and knew in their
hearts to be unholy while failing to do the work they were designed
for by perfection itself...miraculous works of unconditional love.
What a girl!
girl remains and will so forever, anonymous, for a very good reason.
The game of fame is not for her a way to a life fulfilling.