Who Are You?
My parents have told me that I must be careful when I travel about for I need much experience of life before I can extract from it the many things to be learnt. They tell me again and again how I lack the very thing I most need and it sounds so very foolish to my ears. I mean, the idea I lack what I need. If I lack it how can I ever learn it from experience? One who lacks is bound forever to interpret every experience in a state of weakness. I am equipped for one thing and one thing only…to be myself. When I finally came to that truth I immediately saw what those adults I had been listening to were the product of the warped thinking they had been feeding my brain, that a young person is not equipped, and that lie had brought them, most sadly, to the state I found them in when I was born into their care. They are crazy. They are slaves to a thousand conflicting concepts born from that first lie. They, with warped thinking, have made here on Earth a corrupt world and cannot help me. I am to save myself from it. And, therefore, must find inside this human being all the strength I will need for that task. At first I thought, “I cannot”. Then a clear voice within replied, “Move into it and travel as far as you can in my direction and I will come the rest of the way”.
As a child, I watched on television in our home a talk show guest, a woman , a psychologist, an author of a best selling book* tell me things beginning always with “we know now that people are like this or that”… and I kept wondering who is this “we” you apparently are a part of, or think you are? It was clear to me that I was not one of them. I have come to see them as the modern “priests” of a worldwide religion brought forth by elitists who have had their brains specialized in schools to study the rest of us and inform the rest of us how it is all going down. The disease of conceit is what I describe. Every victim believes he or she is an elite person and everybody else the subject for study, analysis, and diagnosis. Truth is, was, and always will be these sick individuals are not more than anybody. They are the creators of more and more conflict among themselves on Earth without end. I was not sure of it but I was on my way to saving myself. On the way, I married, had children, and divorced. I became a lawyer then resigned to face a life with a totally unknown future. I became an alcoholic then got sober. I went into the desert and came out with a book. I was given art materials from a retiring artist and began to paint. I kept on writing and painting and began to sculpt. All the time I was sharing what I was learning with many other humans who would listen becoming more and more confident I had been born equipped and so is everybody.
Who told you to read this blog?
* I have learned as an adult that a bestselling book is a label for books some corporation has made so by ordering 10,000 copies be printed. Such is the disease of conceit. By the order the corporation immediately creates a market for ten thousand books! That corporation holds by contract from the author the copyrights to the book. Who is telling the sick what to read? Who reads what the sick promote? Who tells the sick what college is most desirable for admission? What jobs to covet? What team’s memorabilia to wear? What flag to wave? What is the essence of addiction? Who is not addicted?