It Bothers Me
Thinking I am clever. I am clever. I am clever. I am clever. Can I be certain I am clever? I am clever. I am clever. I am clever. I am clever. I am clever. I am clever.
When I stop thinking
I know.
Then it bothers me
to realize how the geniuses are dominated by so many buffoons. How
can they be geniuses? How can I be certain? I am not even clever.
The geniuses are
geniuses at one thing: they are good at making it seem that that one
thing is all that matters. They do it with imagination, the pattern
for the invisible internet believed to be real liable. Everyone is
connected to something in that strange place, on that cloud, it
appears so anyway. Always and forever what show you are watching is
the only show that matters and everybody who knows you is there.
Nothing else matters. The crooks are in charge of all the real stuff
and all the geniuses work for them and are paid royalties which
amount to only a pittance of the real cash flow.
Do you know how much
dough the governments collect on selling lottery tickets for every
dime they pay out to the very few big winners? The same government
you have sworn to uphold with your lives and the lives of your loved
ones? Ripping off the poor is a sorry way to go.
Thinking I am
clever. I am clever. I am clever. I am clever. Can I be certain I
am clever? I am clever. I am clever. I am clever. I am clever. I am
clever. I am clever.
When I stop thinking
I know.