Poor Slave
a desire for sex can I tie myself up in a pen with the companionship
of a horny goat. What bargain is that? Later, I will be heard to cry
for someone else to save me and wind up in another pen tied to
another horny goat. This can continue for a lifetime. From time to
time I ask myself, Is this the life I expected? A person like me can
even claim he has been sexually liberated and will look down on those
not similarly situated and forgive the poor horny goats but somehow,
secretly, feel cheated. He will definitely not know himself to be a
horny goat until, being sick and tired of seeking pleasure as a
satisfaction for desire, he sees himself trapped in a never-ending
slavery of his own making in service to an overseer well hidden and
the horny goats are seen to be his own brothers and sisters. In such
realization will come fulfillment. And fulfillment, born of humility,
itself opens the way to more of it. Desire is memory and memory,
being yesterday, is false. Today, which is sufficient unto itself, is
the time of reality. I tell you I do not need to remember yesterday
in order to be fully equipped for today's tasks. Having lived already
yesterday were I but awake for it, it has filled me with all its