The moment one attaches to a concept…any concept, corruption begins that will have to unwind in a deepening mess without end and the only way out is to renounce the concept and thereby free the mind of corruption to see clearly to take instant action in a new, uncorrupted direction on a different plane altogether. No other way is going to work. You and I cannot deal with concepts, they are mirages. Cannot drink fresh water from a mirage, can you? We can, however, deal with facts. Water, not the word, is a fact. Drink it when thirsty.
There are many places one can hear: “One day at a time”. It is critical to be able to distinguish clearly between the concept and the fact. The concept is going to take you where all of them have taken you. They are a traps. The concept to live one day at a time rather than to live some other way is just attachment to another concept going in a different direction and it will lead you again into that deepening mess you were trying to avoid. The fact is that life can only be lived one day at a time. Seeing that fact, the mess ends. I am thirsty. I find water. My thirst ends. For another example, the concept of monogamy is not monogamy as a fact. The fact is a part of one’s nature or it is not. Can one become monogamous by joining a movement to become monogamous? Why in the name of common sense would one ever want to become monogamous? Or become a communist? Or become a capitalist? Or become a Christian? Communism set out to achieve Utopia. It achieved instead a totalitarian dictatorship. All know what Christianity has wreaked upon the Earth. Why not prefer to be who you are now knowing it is a fact that tomorrow never comes? There is a big difference. See it? Trouble ends when we see.
There is a thing that has the appearance as a paradox to all of us who have been conditioned to join organizations to follow concepts. It is found in AA literature and yet the darn thing works for many people who were hopelessly lost. The statement is as follows-
As soon as you admit you cannot stop drinking you will drink no more.
Otherwise you will die an alcoholic death.
That seeming paradox is an excellent illustration of the importance of clearly distinguishing between a fact and a concept. Simply what happens in AA is that an addicted person who seriously admits a fact “ I cannot stop” triggers a power inside himself that can. A religious conversion brings the same thing temporarily before the concepts start being poured in on the convert. When a human being is serious enough to admit I do not know how to live a decent life he triggers that same Power inside himself. Experience shows that in AA the concepts can have the effect to deprive the alcoholic of his temporary freedom from drink. Most go out to drink again. Apparently, the original experience of a Greater Power was naturally present in humans and followed without question. It was lost. Ever since, man has used concepts to hold out a promise that the group sponsoring the concept can save you. You might as well say humans have sunk to the point we try to think our way to Heaven. On inspection, it is clear organized atheism is just another organized religion. It is apparent to the writer now that the same Heaven is inside each one of us as was there in the beginning. It is free to all without joining any movement. It comes faster to those who never have been exposed to organized religions.
In migratory birds and monarch butterflies some incredible power enables an impossible journey to happen most successfully and on time each season. These birds naturally look out for each other all the way. What else is that? Are we, as humans, not at least that worthy?