When young, you were introduced to problems. The young horse is introduced to a bridle and saddle. You were introduced to school and the problem first was reading and writing in a language. This was to be the foundation of your life as the bridle and saddle were to be the foundation of the life of the young pony right up to death. So it was with you. Both are the same essentially. The brain of each is filled up with problems until finally it can do no other thing but solve problems. Now, the process of problem solving is such that every problem solved creates more problems or throws more problems at you that you cannot escape, must deal with, although they will, each one, of course, create more problems when you do. One day you may reach a point in all this when you just throw up your hands and admit “I am damned if I do and I am damned if I do not”. At that point you may ask, “Can I be free of all this mess? Is it at all possible?” Should you really want to know, ask your deep existence (which never was interested in school) and it will be given you to know. And, it will feel to you like, “Hey, what took you so long?” You will also learn to know that which lies beyond intellect to be ever so dedicated, kind, patient, loving, and merciful. You had it all along.