There are days when one prays and all seems very clear and what God wants from us is exactly understood to be good for us and we feel close to our maker and glad, we are actually secure in our faith, we might say. But perhaps that is when our prayers, our listening, are at their most distant from God. For it is then we are talking with, talking to, and listening with our own minds and not connected with such as God at all. We have sealed the truth off from us by walls of thought and time which cannot bind love and so no love will ever be found in such an illusory environment as that. And it is also the case that when we are fully in touch with the Great One we are aware that we are in a state of alert and must watch our step or fall into a trap that we are easily convinced God has abandoned us and for no apparent reason. It is this way because we want something we can hold as “my own” when there is no such thing in existence. Creation, however, is total destruction of all that is of time and thought, as that was yesterday’s wine. Nothing new can arise in the presence of time and thought. Utter stillness of mind must be for creation to be possible. I am saying only a quiet mind is open to build a bridge that spans all walls. That is creation.
One bit more, please. There is something that but for which all the words above written would be but an unlit candle and it is this: In this place of Creation where anyone’s mind finds complete stillness, there will be found your God, the only God, and God only. Waiting for you. Is it not the best news to be reminded God is not some image so petty it can be brought into our messes to sort them out? That is forgiveness. That is mercy. That is love.
When anyone is to blame, everyone is to blame.