How Do I Meditate?
You ask. I love you too much to answer your foolish question and spin out a system of meditating for you. Anybody who would do that for you is not a friend but someone who wants to control you and call it love. Such a one wants to organize what is perfect as it is and be an organization’s man. Such believe they will go to Heaven in that manmade way. This is very important to see. Much untold trouble can come from this activity.
What I have told you does not mean I can be of no assistance for I have already been so above. I can add this-the better question is “What is meditation?” As soon as you ask it sincerely -that- is the beginning of meditation for you. The question itself contains the answer invariably leading to deeper and deeper meditation. Enjoy and benefit from every step as it comes to you as a beloved. You have been graced to enter a gate that was not there to begin with discovering your very own life. The gate I mentioned was put up by traditional thoughts from those who would cripple you mentally as they were crippled before you came. Do not fall for any trick that tells you “I can show you how to live a good life”. That is the voice of the Trickster who wants to be your guru, leader, or master. That voice is ignorance.
I love you means do not count on me. For if you count on another you miss the train to Heaven and that is saddest of all. That is the time to weep. Get it now? I never asked for your crutch so please do not ask me for mine. Before long you will see that this way is truly the work of some power that actually does love you and had you in its heart before even you were born. It will seem so absolutely obvious to you that only a meditation you source from within is valid. It is after all how you came to be from nothing when two met in love. As you. Forever meditate!