The energy one obtains from food leaves a net no-gain result. Zero energy is left over after that used to gather, prepare, eat, digest and accomplish the rebuilding or restoring of cells of the body. It is like a closed system. Another energy, of a quite different nature, comes from a source not built by human hands. It has been called a “fountain”. For one thing, it arranges things in a manner that is satisfying and secure and merciful and good. It involves running on the current of life. It is a fountain of compassion.
Chances are, your parents and teachers knew little or nothing of this fountain and so only felt its presence on rare occasions. You probably noticed early in life these people call life ‘difficult” and the ones who call themselves “religious” told you to patiently await “a next life” which for some reason will be the good one you wish for here. The energy spoken of is, first of all, free to all with no license of entitlement required or money expected. One can call it beauty. It brings a passion for living. It is like when a child is handed a new toy. The first energy, from food, has kept the engine running, this then is concerned with taking a journey learning of pain, pleasure, suffering, stillness, courage, freedom, love and more. As we learn a radical change is in operation. Call this true meditation. No system allowed. One must be naked in the arena, very attentive, to meditate. Life is meditation.