Let’s see if we can discover by immediate, direct perception something about the mess we are in, isn’t that especially important, to discover somethin’ ‘bout the mess we find ourselves in?
Well, it appears to the writer we pay more of our attention to what man has built than what has naturally been given to us. The writer may be mistaken about that. Let’s take a close look together. Hell, we pay a great deal more attention to the manmade stuff and call it, “my career” and “my family”, and “our government” and “our religion” and “our church meeting” and “our Holy Book” and “our business” and “our house” and “my son or daughter” and “my boyfriend” and “my husband” and on and on and on. And, you know what? We practice blind ambition and its false pride by daring to claim we believe God gave us these ideas made by the minds of humans.
And, most of our prayers are for God to protect all these images we invented with conditioned brains. Do you see how self, an image only, is constructed out of identification with images? “I” am the owner of all the things “I “ mentioned but only because I think so. None of that stuff is anything but fluff. Just cotton candy. Hot air. Words. Thoughts. Theories. Ideals. None have roots in realities that contact the earth and are grounded directly by its energy field. None drink water nor take nourishment directly from the Sacred and none yearn to follow the natural, passionate drive to something sacred first thing every morning and all throughout the day with every breath of life drawn. Did you ever watch a single, tiny blade of grass grow out of a cement sidewalk? It comes about by the “natural flowering” of a living being. Without self identification. What would it be like to live by naturally flowering? Would “I” have to be a saint? Of course not, only naturally human! Surely, all can do it. To live without conflict is not an accomplishment. It comes naturally by seeing the terrible cost of living any other way. And what would it be like to live without conflict? Is it possible?
The embodiment of qualities thought to be those of a “saint” are truly those of a natural man or woman. That is why the path to enlightenment is a pathless one…we have had it from the beginning, naturally. The natural man desires nothing. Seeks nothing. Holds to nothing. Not because he is a favored saint, but because he sees
that every bit of the manmade “stuff” brings division and division brings conflict. That “stuff’ fractures the natural community into “us” and “them” artificially. Examine them for yourself and be convinced all of them divide us from other humans. Career, family, governments, religions, marriages, etc. Can it be denied forever that marriage does not unite, it divides? The very act of swearing to love and serve another for life is a denial of the sacred truth that one is naturally related to all humanity in the very real bond of human compassion. We must do it because “I” hopes an oath and promises will force “me” to be who I ought to be. How is that working so far? Division always brings conflict, no? And conflict brings violence? When any system man has built breaks up in conflict what has man done historically? Puts together another divisive system and sells it to the crowd. Some put others in jails. Divorced couples seek out another marriage. That is just crazy thinking.
A simple man might suggest to a woman, “Hey, how about we build a house together and have some babies?” If the woman says she wants to but questions their ability to feed and care for the children the man is being told this is not the time or the right woman for my proposal. What if we sought first the Sacred? Would all else be added to us by that we find is Sacred? That would mean it comes to us naturally without effort. Ooohhh. That sounds like doing out of love for doing it and not to accomplish a conditioned purpose. Is it too much to swallow? Such a happening would most certainly eliminate conflict altogether. Now, all must agree, that’s a kind of relationship worth having.
I see how money leads man while the Sacred is but an afterthought, like a stepchild kept in a dungeon. The belief there is something sacred is not the same as the reality of the Sacred. The idea is at best a temporary escape from the suffering and sorrow of living in a world where nothing is held sacred while we dream of a future that one wishes were here. It is here, friends! It has always been here.
Fellow humans, slow down. Take a breath. Really notice it. We need a great big end the world flood not by force but of a sudden, conscious awakening to what conflict has done, from whence it comes, and what it will continue to do if we continue to follow the same way that we have followed for ages and ages doing the same behaviors expecting different results. In seeing that fact, really seeing it, the stepchild will be naturally freed from the dungeon. The child will save us.
The writer is reminded here of words from the inauguration speech by newly elected President of the United States John F Kennedy in 1961: “Ask not what can my country do for me but what can I do for my country”. It struck a chord of unity among people unknown before. In the spirit of it lay compassion and true faith in each other as humans who can do the impossible.
In an important sense those words quoted above separated people from reliance upon authorities. It’s an empowering message. “The Sixties and Seventies” were sparked. “You are alive! Live like it!” Unfortunately, the same old divisive patterns were followed by people who remain stuck in images and conflict has remained widespread and rampant. Yet it had its moment and sent a signal. We need a a change in consciousness to end conflict to cease doing the same behaviors expecting different results.
People do better when left alone and allowed to live and to flower. It is a proven fact. Otherwise, we break our hearts on one damn thing after another. The Declaration of Independence will be fully realized by lives in love with the Sacred Truth- All Men are created equal endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights that among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In this way all who today are poor in spirit will repay ten-fold its Author. Time is now for a revolution of a kind that unites all without exception rather than dividing and creating conflict.
Who are you?
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