THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Monday, July 31, 2023


We all start out to do something. For most it is unclear and they decide to dream it up. The dreaming begins. For a few the action is immediate and never falters or ceases all the way to death. Always the next thing is obvious. 

Many of the second kind are noticed by the majority as special. Some are called geniuses early. As it proceeds it is presumed these ones are superior. In fact, they are just like the rest except for being born with clarity of purpose that is not invented by thoughts and words. Anytime, the majority can change to the unfaltering way by ending the dreaming in a flash of insight to how limited, shallow, repetitive, and methodical it has become. There is a dream one has to be wide awake to dream.

Sunday, July 30, 2023


Psychological Memories

We commonly register in our brains as memory some occurrence that either has brought great joy or pain. What good is it? Does the memory make it more or less likely we will experience similar experiences in the future? If the occurrence was painful we think we want to prevent its reoccurrence, right? If it brought joy, we want more of it, right? Such is the reasoning in support of the registration in memory of things I like and what I do not like. Is there not evidence that the memories actually work in reverse? Does the memory of a bad experience not as a matter of fact bring a conviction in the same brain that life is insecure and I am vulnerable, not secure. In the case of a good experience is there not evidence we are left with “I had my chance and did not expand on it, keep it, so I am unworthy of being so happy again”? Can I determine whether these psychological memories that concern an ego are bringing more happiness, more security, or not? 

Suppose they are useless and even harmful?  What then? Can I stop these memories being registered? If I resist them what always happens? They come back stronger, don’t they, and may wait for the right moment to let me know they are still with me? So, may I just live with them as real and study them as inseparable from me…as in they are me… until either mind itself ends them as useless and harmful or not? Otherwise I am only trying to change me by deciding to keep what I like and discard what I do not like which is THE SAME OLD GAME!

I know this much. Once I was convinced “I am an alcoholic and there is nothing I can do to change that” I have not had a drink for decades. See, “I am the problem”. “I” needs to be turned in and exposed. Something nameless did that for me when “I” was not looking. I now urge everyone to find the nameless truth about themselves. What a wonderful life there is for all who do!

Saturday, July 29, 2023


Notice the difference with me between these two-

I want to be this or that. 


I am.

The first is in search of a groove to crawl into. The second is engaged in no search at all. All grooves are shop worn dead thoughts of others. They do not exist otherwise. It is thoroughly unnatural to seek a groove. Such brains fill with more and more conflict and grow old. I am is freedom. Unlimited. Young, and it never grows old, brittle, no longer pliable. The difference is startling. A human can be 100 and still grow younger, more enthusiastic, passionate, on fire to live!

Friday, July 28, 2023


Here goes. Science or what we call science, and as it is practiced on Earth, is nothing more than just another organized religion which is just as dangerous and corrupt and intolerant as have been any of these organized religions so far. Like them, science is cruel and selfish and exclusionary and operates within a closed system composed of like-minded people who praise one another and pass out rewards and perks of all kinds and fame and money. It is so the people in any system are talented in some way or ways but talent is not enough to bring harmony to the planet so badly needed now. When talent is bent to serve a selfish career it sours and can no longer serve the whole just as a talented painter who wants to be famous will eventually lose what passion made of him an artist. A true artist is in constant flux and never, never crosses the same river twice. Today’s scientist is jubilant to be crossing the same river over and over and over for a lifetime for it promises the image of victory among colleagues. It is another game not unlike all the rest. Games were meant from the beginning to be mere recreation and play. We have made them our religion of winners and losers. Pretense only and always. Science even speaks the language of who won and who lost in describing the course of time.

The very invention of authority figures creates conflict where none existed. It is only the competitive game of a bunch of idiots. I once watched a man who considers himself to be a reasonable human being require a group of homeless paupers to stand in bitter cold for a half hour before the beginning of a meeting to be held for their benefit because it was not yet time for the meeting to begin though he had the key to the building in his pocket. There is a whole different way to live and humans can do it and have done it before. Before our eyes will we see what is actually here when no one even attempts to be authorized. Let’s find that out for a change. The answer, unknown, is blowing in the wind. Why are we so afraid of an unknown so loving and kind as that? That much cowardice has made certain one thing, that we are not about to learn anything new. Authority has always been a gross attempt mentally to escape our own glory. Glory! And I mean it! We have had it all along. Now is the time, loving one another, to make a glorious bowl of compassion soup. Let’s hope we get that job done. This young girl next to me has asked to sing a song for us. So, I say, yes, let’s go! Sing for us, Sweetheart. (she sings)


I am sure  Jesus was a stray dog. He had no place to rest.

Of those who listened at his sermons while He was still alive 

only three or four were moved to change for they were not that much impressed. 

Jesus didn’t mind. Knew what he was tellin’ was after all their own to find.

So, like I said,  Jesus didn’t mind.

He was hard at work with restoration of the truly blind.

Said “blessed are the meek”; love yer enemies; “ye are gods”; “so do not ask what  shall I eat” then lovingly resigned; 

knowin’ His fans and followers of so little faith would always prefer to lag behind 

grabbin’ a quick salvation sandwich off a silver platter only ritually blessed sacred by some priestly authority upon which is actually nothin’ more than ordinary bread and wine.

Jesus, having seen His work made into a circus for well-to-do clowns to play tricks in,

would probably have been moved to find himself a hole he could get sick in. 

I am sure Jesus was a stray dog. He had no place to rest.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


Worry for those who never do what they really are passionate to do on the hope things will change down the road and then they will. They die without having lived. In a way for them life is death and death is life. Backward. Actually life and death are one. To live what is your passion you must die to all the rest. So constantly live and die. I know a fella who started out as an artist and became so caught up inside his desire to glorify his beastly self (and those invested in him) through his talent he forgot to die to what is not art and for that oversight was no longer an artist. True artists are in everlasting flux never crossing the same river twice. That takes great courage. 

Monday, July 24, 2023


To be or not to be…exalted. What is it? This need to exalt someone or thing? Is it second best to being exalted? The decision, “if I can’t be great I will associate closely with some exalted being even if I have to exalt him or her or it to do it”.

If the society’s most prominent solution is to bury one’s past in a more or less comfortable neurosis short of dire madness why exalt? Is it like dessert? Most importantly, is there even a shred of evidence that any person is superior to any other? Even one other? Of course not. Such measurement is done by a process dreadfully limited- so much so that it cannot approach within light years of a conclusion of superiority when measuring one against even the weakest of all human beings. No one is weak and no one is strong. Nobody’s a success and nobody a failure. Measuring is wicked. It abuses, misuses, strings out or worse. So, can I live without it? 

So far, we all lead lives firmly grounded in a belief that it is undebatable that there are great people and mediocre people and losers. Period. We do not want to hear of it any other way. So, we never change. We just like the songs about change. It’s the comfortable neurosis I mentioned. Some day I will change.

If you worship not the image of God but the fact, what then? All one? The absence of division?

Saturday, July 15, 2023


The energy one obtains from food leaves a net no-gain result. Zero energy is left over after that used to gather, prepare, eat, digest and accomplish the rebuilding or restoring of cells of the body. It is like a closed system. Another energy, of a quite different nature, comes from a source not built by human hands. It has been called a “fountain”. For one thing, it arranges things in a manner that is satisfying and secure and merciful and good. It involves running on the current of life. It is a fountain of compassion. 

Chances are, your parents and teachers knew little or nothing of this fountain and so only felt its presence on rare occasions. You probably noticed early in life these people call life ‘difficult” and the ones who call themselves “religious” told you to patiently await “a next life” which for some reason will be the good one you wish for here. The energy spoken of is, first of all, free to all with no license of entitlement required or money expected. One can call it beauty. It brings a passion for living. It is like when a child is handed a new toy. The first energy, from food, has kept the engine running, this then is concerned with taking a journey learning of pain, pleasure, suffering, stillness, courage, freedom, love and more. As we learn a radical change is in operation.  Call this true meditation. No system allowed. One must be naked in the arena, very attentive, to meditate. Life is meditation.

Sunday, July 9, 2023


What is the meaning of “the man in the arena”? It has been told that the credit goes to that one. That would mean that one in the arena is totally responsible for the quality of the “show” does it not? When anyone asks “how?” it means that questioner does not really want an answer but wants to be told he does not need one. The question has been addressed to someone else. That is the place where all of us are stranded right now simply because we do not want to find out the truth so much as we want the one we ask to take over the responsibility for our lives. And it means the questioner is not looking for the way to live my life but really only wants to know, "how can I succeed in the society that has spelled out to me the right way of living?" 

Real faith is intuitive knowledge. We have no faith. How come the Moon does not ask the learned physicist, “how?” How about a tiny weed growing through a crack in the cement of a sidewalk where you have stood? Are we not as worthy as the weed? 

Where one human accepts, really accepts, as a fact, I am the human in the arena at all times, a whole different world instantly appears to that one brave no longer divided soul. Love swallows that one up and peace is all he or she knows. This all happens instantly, beyond time and thought. Yes, there is a gap.

I heard a loving human being say once, “I am so blessed to be the creator of a world where such as Bob Dylan, Jesus, Billy the kid and a weed that grew through cement of a sidewalk have lived”. Is that too much for anyone in the arena to comprehend? Just recall the weed in the cement, won’t you?

Wednesday, July 5, 2023


This is to be examined with no motive for so doing. The work will be done by us together. There is no intent to prove anything right or wrong. We are together on this effort. 

A combination of authority figures during the decline of the Roman Empire made a book called The Bible. In the Book were assembled portions of the teachings of a wandering saint in Judea concerning the important elements of a meaningful life for humans on Earth.  Included in the book is a doctrine not spoken by Jesus of his sacrificial death to save us all from the eternal damnation that all of us are said to otherwise rightly deserve for our wicked ways.  

Then, missionaries with book in hand were sent forth all across the Earth to convince those they corral that Jesus intended by submitting to a terrible death a guilt-ridden existence for those sinners he had spoken with concerning the way to some real heaven here and now; thus none of the eventual converts need ever put away selfish ways which was believed to be impossible anyway. And that makes one wonder why Jesus bothered to teach that we can make that change.  And that we would be fools not to do so. 

The teachings of Jesus set forth below are in the nature of attempts to needle a listener’s conditioned brain enough to allow a sudden glimpse of who a human actually is and “faith” mentioned in the teachings refers to an intuitive knowledge about who I am. It is not too far a jump to perceive the Master was telling that all humans are on his level and able to save ourselves if only we want to make the effort to do so. 

The language about Jesus dying for your sins distorts in a big way the teachings about a way to enter heaven while alive and makes that practically impossible. This insight is very important to any serious examination into the value of his teachings on life. Where there is distortion there is a motive. Finding the motive will remove the distortion.  Who is motivated to keep themselves in power?

Let us examine into the teaching concerning how to live on Earth as human beings and determine if it is possible for any human being to end, while alive, greed, lust, violence, fear, intolerance, envy, jealousy, false pride and the rest.

Keeping in mind that people of Earth are greatly suffering from what priests of all religions everywhere have called for tens of thousands of years at least by some word that means the same as the English term “sin” these planners have invented a religion (organized as part of a separate society) that insures most all slaves to sin never wake up. Though death will come to all, at that moment it is entirely “Too Late Nelly” and so the ruse never ends as one more meaningless life passes unfulfilled.

In developing the teachings attributed below to Christ a careful attempt was made to avoid duplication from each writer of the New Testament of the Bible but to cover the central message presented in all concerning an actual heaven on Earth to be enjoyed by living people. Matthew’s gospel is quoted primarily because it is first and is most simply written. What is stark is the absence of any teaching attributed to Christ where he says essentially, “oh, well, you people are incapable of being wise so I’ll just die for you and get you to heaven after your deaths in that manner. You just use my name.” That dogma, invented by that group of selfishly ambitious priests, historians, and politicians I mentioned up front, keeps the flock ignorant of their potential which Jesus, in his own words, obviously saw in people and stressed in an attempt to awaken listeners to a great power in each soul. Turn now to the teachings.


Man shall not live by bread alone, but by wisdom also. Matt. 4:4

Whosoever hears these sayings of mine and follows them is wise. Whosoever does not follow them is foolish, indeed. Matt. 7: 24-27

There is none good but one, that is God. Matt. 19:17

The Kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:21

The Kingdom is now. Matt. 4:17

Unless you change and become as a little child you shall not enter that Kingdom. Matt. 18:3

You cannot serve two masters. Matt. 6:24

First seek the Kingdom of God and all else shall be added to you. Matt. 6:33

Your Father knows what you have need of before you ask him. Matt. 6:8

Take no thought of your life, what shall you eat, what shall you drink, or what shall you wear. God feeds the birds. Are you not at least as good as a bird? The lilies of the field neither toil nor do they spin yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these. Your father knows your needs. Matt. 6:25,26, 28, 29, 32

Why are you so fearful,  O ye of little faith? Matt. 8:26

According to your faith is it accomplished. Matt. 9:29 

If you have the faith of a grain of mustard seed you can move mountains. Nothing is impossible. Matt. 17:20

Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Matt. 5:3

Where two or three are gathered in my nature, there I am in the midst of them. Matt. 18:20

Judge not that you be not judged, Matt. 7:1

Mind your own business. Matt. 7:4,5

Do not caste your pearls before swine. Matt. 7:6

Whatever you want others to do to you, do that to them. Matt. 7:12

Love your enemies…pray for them…that you may be the children of your father within you: for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. Matt. 5:44,45

Whosoever does the will of my father which is within you, is my true family. Matt. 12:50

Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant. Matt. 20:27

You will know who are the true prophets because their way will be kindness, patience, tolerance, and love. Matt. 7: 15-20

Tuesday, July 4, 2023


In earlier times watching a moving picture show was invented. For the first time, for the price of a ticket, one could go to a darkened room and take a seat and look up at a huge screen and, well, go away. Forget worries until after the film. An escape from reality. A sort of drug. It became very popular. Huge profits were made and stars were created who could be sold like candy.

It was labeled, perhaps falsely, as art. What is art, anyway? The most elevated description is that art is created to disillusion a mass of people trapped in illusion. In other words, just backward of what people think they are buying and sellers think they are selling. So, only the artist knows what was created. And that one cannot say. This leads to a suggestion that every activity of humans is art if only we knew how to look or listen or touch, smell or taste. I recall now Bob Dylan telling a journalist “I have no explanation for these things I write, I just write them.” Or, words to that effect, anyway.

If a human makes something intended to disillusion you and me and we choose instead to use it to go away from reality, or, what we think is reality…

here we go again at the point of turning the whole thing around, and, oh, my, my

…being shoved into a new dimension, unknown, where beauty is not out there, on screen or inside a face or in nature or anywhere but…in me! The beauty I see, I mean. The beauty beheld is in the eye of…and what beauty there be in a tree is beheld only by the tree itself. Not by me. I have my own. See? And now we know when we fall “in love” with anything beautiful to us it all takes place inside the psyche and we are free to love it and secure in the knowledge it cannot leave us so jealousy and envy are no more!  And, miraculously, no commercial transaction has occurred, none whatsoever! No license is required either! I am my own licensor. People who doubt their own ability to be completely responsible for their conduct cry for and demand leaders and rules and jails and and dismemberment and rejection and excommunication and violent death. The rest simply read what is written inside and it is done. Go-oll eee! I cannot prove it, but what if all there actually is is beauty? Doubt and beautiful reality.

*an eighteenth century euphemism for “God

Monday, July 3, 2023


If I approach someone with a purpose and a plan to say “I love you” whatever love there was flies away instantly. No love will there be between us. For as long as we spend together we will count the days.  To know love one must be purposeless without plan. Love is not wanting or longing or desire. It is far from “This is the right one for me”. You see, love between people happens when two are one. Or love is just one more idea. The ideas of love are of a thousand kinds and not one of them love. In love, giving and receiving are one, not separate. Love is a dance of mutual affection beyond all thought. To love is a most powerful thing. To be without purpose or plan is a very powerful thing. It amounts to total commitment to true love. No one who has loved would ever say, “look what I have done for you”. That is a parent’s motto or creed. Giving up the concept of parenthood is the dawning of love.