A New Way of Learning
I want to speak of something very important. I am going to try something new in order to do it…I am going to follow the lesson I want to describe to reveal the answer. It will be fun.
A few days ago there were written words describing how catching a ball is to enter a new dimension from the ordinary one that’s the common way we live. One must go beyond thought. One must not allow thinking to play a role in catching a ball or one will miss catching it. It happens fast. One begins to catch the ball before it even is thrown or struck by a bat. The motion of the throw is vital and one begins a movement associated with where that motion is going to send the ball totally outside of thought. One might say the doing and the learning are simultaneous. This is being written in that way. Learning and doing as one thing. This is a completely different way than we are trained to live our lives. What people normally do is think of an ideal they want to bring into actuality…maybe it is work related… then formulate a plan by thoughts to do that and then try to execute the plan. This is where we can waste a lot of energy…trying. People often say “ I try” after they are commended on a job well done. And this means there is going to be a continuous struggle for them to keep up the satisfactory accomplishment expected of them and by them. In this is the beginning of a way of life felt to require effort. The conclusion to be drawn is “life ain’t easy”. This new way being followed as this is written is effortless…a flow…most pleasant. It feels like one gets even more energy from doing than one had before it. No trying. Are you interested in this? I am.
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