Nobody has ever even seen me here.
When they consider me at all which is seldom they see some image they have concocted standing on my feet.
Nobody cares. Not really.
I’m invisible.
I do not matter.
I may as well eat worms and die.
When I hear myself say these words I am undressed, unburdened from carrying heavy rocks not my own and it can make happiness seem to be all there is about me and I am free. And that makes no sense, but is true.
There it is. It is an understanding for all…there can be a knowing that makes no sense and it can be proven to be so. So, maybe what makes sense to someone looking for it is always nonsense. There goes another one of those rascals that escaped ordinary good sense. This is a strange, esoteric truth known to everybody and practiced by few. I’ll show you why that is.
There is a very popular statement widely in use. It is “everybody knows!” In a family of 8 persons it will be used when maybe two or three of the family know some rumor. In a crowd of fifty people it will be used when maybe only 20 people know the rumor. Among some group of ten thousand it will be used when only one thousand know the rumor. A popular kid in a school will be known by a mere half or fewer of the fellow students. We are trying to live inside a world where “everybody knows” does not come close to the truth but is commonly used anyway. This is one of many examples concerning how limited are words and thoughts in our world and yet we torture and kill others by force of language. In short, we are crazy.
If I tell you that although unpopular among the crowd I am in fact well known by them all would you believe me? I am the same reason all people at rare times experience moments of awe whereby all concepts of their identity are erased from consciousness and they feel indivisible from all else that exists though nameless without a single concern. All humans know this but very few practice it. What if we did?
Wise people have always told others when you feel bad do not try to escape the feeling or deny it live inside it; it is who you are for the moment. Should you fail to examine into it you will always remain ignorant and be one whose picture will remain incomplete in your own mind. And that is a tragedy because we are always complete but seldom know it. Should you crawl inside the bad feeling when it comes there is every likelihood it will be exposed as nonsense and that feeling is freedom from thinking! Not freedom from stupid people but free of what they think having just been one. And that makes enlightened beingness. And that is followed by a pure action otherwise incomprehensible. And then you call it "art".
As in the language of Bob Dylan we all chase a shadow that really is who we are and wish to be it all the time. “Mr. Tambourine Man” It seems to be up to each of us to discover we can be then dance beneath the diamond sky.
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