THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Certainty, My Love?

Tell me I can count on having your love until death parts us. I cannot bear the thought of you giving your love to another. The uncertainty of this arrangement is killing me. I must know I have you.

Are you not content to have love for one night, this one night? Whatever gives you the concept of having me?

You are my dream come true. I want no other. Forever.

What makes you believe such a thing? Why must you think?

My parents married in a church before God and people and live together as man and wife to this day.

Do you really think I am the source of love, a fountain of it? Stop thinking. Can I determine where love chooses to go? Did I begin this feeling in you? Or me? It happened. How do things happen? You are lying. I do not believe you. You ask me for such a promise when we both know you, yourself cannot know who or when you will leave me for someone else? Nonsense.

Love is nonsense. Did you not know? It is meant to be crazy. It is crazy.

Then let us accept that as true. We must go mad to be in love. A crazy person is never held to promises. There is one love. It consumes promises and out beyond promises there is an open field. I met you there. Life in that field is far better than any other life. You have to trust me.

How can I?

If you cannot, have no truck with me.  

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The superior people who conceived of the world as you presently know it must have come to despise uncertainty in any form at the same moment they conceived of superior people. Importantly, though, the real world, made before man was present on Earth to conceive of anything at all, is absolutely uncertain. That makes for a difficulty. You are living, or trying to, in a world created by the conniving minds of persons who argue against truth. What is that like? What chance do they have of bringing you home safely? Why do you even consider following?

Life is not difficult for those who understand uncertainty. It is understood by the human heart through music, dance, love, kindness, generosity and all else that stirs up passion. To make things even better when it seemed nothing else could, there is a certain peace in absolute uncertainty that surpasses all understanding. Certainty is a drag. Be like a child. It should come as no surprise that the folks who understand and embrace uncertainty make no attempt to live in the world made by the dissenters. The dissenters made up a world based upon a theory of gambling which they sold to you as a certain thing. With gambling come its rules. The house writes the rules, of course. With rules comes a strange, cold certainty all right. There will be winners and there will be many more losers.

Here's a game. Think of a serious problem, any problem. Now, state it clearly. Okay, imagine you hear an answer to be: So what? Play along and explain how important the problem is, in your mind anyway. Imagine the same answer: So what? Keep this up. Before long, you will begin to lose your concentration on the seriousness of the problem and become more involved in the process. You will find yourself wondering just how far this can be taken. Then, suddenly, it will no longer matter to you at all. Problem solved in a peculiar manner. Uncertainty dominates the landscape, your paradigm shifts, and the mind is robbed of its imagined need for certainty. Nothing has changed really, and yet, you are probably laughing.

In the West, the following statements of certainty are memorized by everybody who goes to school:

1. You are going to have to have a job when you grow up.
2. You have to have money to enjoy life.
3. You have to pay bills.
4. You have to get married to have children.
5. You have to either have a mortgage or lease from someone who does in order to live in a nice house with your family.
6. To enjoy the earth's bounty, you have to have purchasing power.
7. You have to have a country in order to live on land where it is claimed that a symbol you are supposed to love reigns as sovereign authority.
8. You owe a debt to those who have died fighting in a war to keep that imaginary country's incomprehensible sovereign power intact.

Is there any sovereign save one whose name is Love For All? None of these, not one, are remotely true in the eyes of a child. They see a big hole in each one. They are likely to grin and say something that sounds crazy to you, like, I can just change into a boat and float. Or, I can change into a rocket and go to the stars. They find it easy to escape your learned stupidity. They just pretend along with you. Why not? They probably believe you are kidding until the day you lower the boom on them and inform them the listed certainties are more real to you than a hug and a kiss and eternal bliss. And cruelty will abound at home. The cat's out of its bag at last. The family secret is: we are monsters and must kill people in this world in order to maintain our self images. That. Is. All. War. Has. Ever. Been. About.

And the last to be seen that the enemy is us on that same day when is seen the last day of war.

Monday, August 29, 2016

To Govern A Miracle Is To Kill 

A Mockingbird

The Attorney General of Texas was recently 

quoted as saying, Texas marriage laws are 

rooted in a basic reality of human life: 

procreation requires a male and a female. 

What he did not admit is the obvious truth 

that procreation is lawless behavior. 

That's right! No legislative action is 

required to make a baby nor can it be of 

interest to the child who happens then swims 

for its life, urged from within; and no make-

believe, falsely legitimized marriage ever 

will put handles upon a miracle and turn it 

into a vehicle to be driven.

Watching two cardinals prepare a nest at my 

door where she will carefully lay her eggs to 

be watched over until the miracle is 

fulfilled, it was indeed understood that 

legislation in such an arena is profane. Love 

only can nurture a family. What love arises 

from fountain pens? What justice? What, 

indeed, righteous? Honorable? Decent? 

Dignified? Or, for that matter, even relevant 

to living human beings? Ask yourself, Can I 

be reduced to writing?

Sunday, August 28, 2016


I want to suggest that as humans we reconsider now the worship, or not, of any of the named gods, whichever the case may be.
For just a moment
to go back in history
to how it all began.
If you do, now, ask yourself:

did I believe or choose not to believe because in a time of deep fear someone told me almighty God can be on my side if I follow instructions to the letter assuring me that thereafter I shall be glad I did? In other words, someone invited me to join their side in a battle between good and evil? Can it be that that which seemed an invitation to freedom was the opposite dressed as a band of chosen people proclaiming a unique concern for me and my welfare? And, whether I accepted, or refused to accept, I ask, did I then make fear my master thereafter right up to this moment? Have I become fear itself?

One can come empty of guile only when one finally sees

no power is on my side.
Is that not so?
Think about it.

Does the world's Sun not seem to go 'round to you? Time and time again? Tracing the same pattern in the sky above you blessing all living things the same without a shred of judging who is good and who is bad? Now, make the same inquiry concerning the actual food you eat, the air you breathe, and the water you drink. Does a mango ever ask: are you entitled to eat me? Do air, water, or foods nourish the good only and curse the evil ones? Who draws lines and declares, my side?

In fact, be honest, as you surely are, is there not strong evidence laid at your door daily that whatever runs the show down here does not prefer you over those you dislike most bitterly? And, does that fact cause you to doubt the very existence of any god at times or cause you to hate the idea of it it even? You may tremble if you dare.

So, now, will you consider a recommitment of your life to something that does not want you to rejoice a moment longer than your neighbor rejoices? or a perfect stranger? or all your perceived enemies? right down the list to the tiniest bug?

Only am I asking. Should this make no sense to you forget it ever came by your eye.

This happened to me is why I am asking. What I care about is a world of peace for all we humans. The rest of nature, the trees, for example, and all that live under their sway seem to have no trouble living consistently without boundary lines, real or imagined. Do you know there is a vital connection occurring as you read these words between the lizards who cavort merrily in a desert this moment and the trees living and growing in forests far away from them and probably unknown to them throughout life? Only asking.

This is not an invitation to join a goddamn thing! Maybe it's an invitation to accept, just as you are, the only thing you cannot, under any circumstance, un-join. I care not that you know my name. I am ordinary like you. Talking to me is like talking to yourself.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

From Worm To Cougar and Back

There is an unbroken chain from worm to cougar and back, a priceless trove the owner of which is unknown; and I am allowed myself to be included among its treasures, or not. If not, I chase nonliving gold instead with which I hope to buy freedom from the ungraspable source of life. Either way, I serve somebody. Have you noticed churches and hospitals and yoga teachers hoarding chests of gold? Why fear life? Death? Is that it? Which way?

Coming in or going out?

The gold misers who stayed on dry land at home paid with gold for the whalers on ships with ample stores for years at sea to go and carry back the dead whales' oil to be turned back into more gold at marketplace where unknowns happen to be despised. The market bases its strength in a thesis there is not enough to gratify everybody; thus creating the appearance of finite certainty so the accountants' manipulations create a price for every commodity. And yet, uninvited guests have a way of upsetting the plans of men who marry wives. And, the weirdest of all things happening are the prayers of the misers that the Phantom who adores the Big Fish protect their erstwhile treasure from harm, bless it, and keep it safely out of the hands of other thieves than themselves. Where and from whom and how long can these fools hope to hide?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

To Be Humans Again

The salt of the Earth. That is what a man who loved people called us. And it seems to me we have fallen so far from that role it staggers me to imagine how did it happen?

A truly dedicated man who was somehow still playing the role originally assigned to all of us, Salt, who was named Sebatsiao drew pictures of us with a light box which enabled him to see through a lens what most of us cannot or will no longer see to show us to us, that man, taught me something true. It was in watching a documentary of the life of this man and his loyal wife that it was possible. For more than twenty years I have been trying to understand what I saw in an hour or two one day in the studio of a stone carver in Austin. I realized then that the trade of stone mason arose at the time men slaved to build pyramids. But why? I asked myself, would any human being willingly spend their one life in such a way? And no answer came except, well, they did...and the do still.

I have slowly seen that even in the lives of very adventurous humans who go into the unknown regions of reality as brave and lonely explorers at the behest of some calling...or some kick in the pants from behind...which? Both. Depending on what is needed at the moment. Oh, yes, I did not make a complete sentence. So what? I'll continue as of it is perfectly as it should be. Even in those lives, the explorers lives, one finds a point where the trailblazer vanishes into the stone mason chain. Have you seen that? Yet?

The photographing holy man I spoke of earlier became so sick of what he drew with his camera that he could go on no more living at all, unless, he found something else to behold to take him away from the Hell he had displayed so boldly before us. And he did.

Know what that man, who listened to his wife ask, why don't we replant the forest that once was your home and is now a barren wasteland, did? As impossible as the idea seemed to him and others who heard it, they began to replant trees, tiny little plants. In 15 short years it had become a magnificent green forest again. You can go to Brazil today and tour it. Or, search it on the internet with the aid of sat-il-light and look at pictures drawn with the light there that are meant to depict its glory.

The man was restored himself. He who gave so much he almost died lives as whole man, Salt Man. Not just the great forests can be restored, humans!
Johnny Smith,
traveler to this land
longing to be human being

p.s. And the new forest in Brazil? Why, that is no longer owned by Sebatsiao's family that is a dedicated public park.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Alas, look!

For Billy's tale to be concerned with whether he was shot to death by the law or escaped to live in another place for many long years is to completely overlook the dignified stance of one who is trying to maintain, I am here! You have no right to tell me I do not belong where you find me. A mountain lion and a tiger and an eagle and an elephant know and Joe Hill and Woody Gutherie and Bob Dylan, and Jesus! Have you seen dignity? That's what this story is about! This blindness comes from reading so many books you actually are concerned with survival. Real people know that nobody survives. What counts is what you were doing when the moment comes.

Saturday, August 20, 2016



You have been told that it is important to know the first thing. I want here to point out why it is so important and what you have when you know the first thing. You will surely appreciate the fact that life works this way. 

All the clergy would resign today if they knew the first thing. All politicians would blush and resign as well if they only knew the first thing. Anyone who considers himself or herself to be a professional this or that would quit immediately, pick out an instrument, and go on the road if they knew the first thing. Every general in every army in the world would toss off his uniform and run to sign up for dance lessons if he knew the first thing. All the teachers would excuse the students from attendance in class and promise each student an A if they knew the first thing. We would all fall in love if we knew the first thing.

When you know the first thing...actually know it, it is the same as knowing everything. Why? It is the nature of the first thing that it includes all things. It is universal. The moment one knows, “I know the first thing”, one will realize, My God, I know it all! I know it all! I know it all!

J Whooper Swan
Austin, Texas

Aug 18, 2016

Friday, August 19, 2016

Come As Far As You Can

A man cried out from his heart:

“Oh, Lord, if you hear me, I feel so lost and do not know what I am to do about it. Can you help me to be free from the chains of worry, doubt, and confusion?”

The answer came to the man's heart, “It is simple. Love everybody on Earth which I have provisioned for all people to live together in peace.”

The man sadly responded, “I cannot. For I do not even know how.”

And the answer came to his heart, “Then come as far in the direction of pure love as you can, my lost rolling stone. I will come the rest of the way.”

And the man rejoiced to hear these words and fell silent, at peace at last. He felt with certainty he was being led, and feeling a certain unfamiliar assurance that, for him, it is done, stepped forward, one tiny baby step. At first, he thought, “Lord, you have forsaken me, I am a fool!” Suddenly, he saw ahead of him a clearing where a small boy who seemed to be lost stood crying. And he was ashamed for a moment but almost immediately he knew what to do and it was as if he had always known what to do, every step of the way on this path of his new life.

Then he made a costly decision. Someone suggested in his ear that he tattoo a message on his forehead to remind him of the truth. So he did. On his face, above his eyes, he had written:

Come as far as you can
I will come the rest of the way”

The Lord of My Understanding

Most of the time, he could not see the message so he fell into his old pattern. Too often was he caught up in doubt again and then the misery would grab hold of him. He came to notice, however, that many others he knew were getting happier and happier while he was growing sadder and sadder. How can it be so? He wondered. This is unfair. I was given the answer and knew it and all these other people I meet never even prayed and yet it seems they are receiving my happiness. Woe is me.

Then one day while shaving he glanced up and saw the message he carried on his forehead that had become so familiar to him that he had not really noticed it for a long time and knew that his friends were reading the message on his own head while he had been slowly growing blind to it. He laughed at himself. He shouted, “The very things that enable me to see have caused me to go blind!”

And, oddly, he knew that he would never again be far away from the choice to resume this new path anytime he stepped away from it, for, from now on, the pain of worry, doubt, and confusion would be his guides and so what were enemies are now good friends and allies. This makes life at least doubly wonderful, the man thought, and he wanted to tell about it.

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Who makes baby gore
run out red on mama's clean floor? Who makes a business of war? Who killed them-
and what for?

You can call me weird 'n throw me no bone
but, you can bet it was not the work of a lost rollin' stone
and you know it was not the act of a soldier, some kid actin' alone
it was a whole society of killers; not just their hired drunken army
who think difference enough reason to hack off a branch of the one living tree.
who fear so deeply they lose touch with plain reality; send death wishes across a wide open sea aimed at people...people...who with two hands, two feet, two eyes and two ears, yearn just like me.

This song's not a-pointin' at anyone else you can see it's a sad song- the saddest on Earth-it wonders only when will we show we know:
they want and we want are the same

Yes, what they want and we want are the same Yes, what they want and we want are the same
-to be free 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Proper Mode

All of science and mathematics and technology put together will never bring a human being closer to understanding how the world, or any part of it, operates.

And, All the world's religions together could never bring a human being closer to understanding how the world, or any part of it, operates.

The great teacher, Gregory Bateson, once stated that all of mankind's 

problem's are traceable to one thing: the difference between how people think 

and how nature operates. That is what I am talking about. The best thinking 

of man is always off base. The good news I have for you is that man can be 

shown how to think in a new way. And, the funny part is, the teacher of the 

new way is going to be yourself as shown in what follows.

Human beings are given an intelligence that operates precisely as does 

the whole of nature. In that mode can we know, finally. That is the mode of: 

Know thyself. The most obvious is overlooked by science and religion. We 

humans are not separate from nature, but inside it. The way it is organized, 

no one will ever understand the world by studying mosquitoes for only 

another mosquito can know what that existence is like. But, duh, we can 

study ourselves, each one a scientist in his or her own right, and realize that 

we already know. By knowing me, truly, I know the mosquito, the eagle, the 

elephant, and all other men and women. If this sounds too simple to be true, 

let me assure you that to know oneself is a mighty undertaking. But that 

should not prevent an effort to do so since nothing else even has a chance of 

showing us how much we have thrown away of the original gift we were 

given with our first breath of life. We all agree that the ocean is made of tiny 

drops. It turns out to be so that the ocean is inside the tiny drop of water as 

well. Do not take anybody's word for this, find out! Know thyself.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

I Am

passionately dizzy on love:

If you do not know the first thing;
it does not matter what else you know.

And, If you do know the first thing;

it does not matter what else you know. 

Monday, August 15, 2016

When It Comes For You, No CHOICE

Oh, man, oh, woman, is there any subject you do not decide about?

Is there, I wonder?
Some phantom that decided all about you?
If so, do you feel its existence?
Is it present for you now?
Rapping At Your Door?

Does it seem to you that when you make the slightest effort to grasp any pinch of its essence you lose touch with it?

That's what I'm talking about. The weirdest stories are the best ones.

This one's so weird that it makes it known that God and No God amount to noise.

It is written, I Am
simply respond, U R

It would be the nature of what it is that is not ours to grasp.

I want to leave with
It's Your Friend

makes sense of all the rest.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Life has been described as a chain of events 

a chain that I alone must break...
because I think about me...
and forget about we...
thereby creating the chain
which is broken the instant it is seen
and what remains, tell me,
my little one?

you will be treated to spectacular sunsets....

Thursday, August 11, 2016

And, you will be treated to spectacular sunsets....

Monday, August 8, 2016

I have been in Monteverde, Costa Rica, in the cloud forest for about four weeks and two days. I have remarked to people here lately that it is definitely the case that I feel healthier here than back in Austin, Texas. Never think of even an aspirin. I move around easier, feel a spark unknown before. Creativity is at a higher level.  Finishing my play came so fast and easy and certain.  When it was done it was obvious to me. More clarity, I would say. Just generally more aware. At first I found it kinda spooky.  But now it is just what it is. So, somebody asked me  "You do know you are in a Blue Zone here, don't you?"  What's that, I replied. Well, they showed me there are five Blue Zones on the planet and Costa Rica is one.  These are places where people live longer.  People in Blue Zones reach age 100 at ten times the average rate. Why?  In Costa Rica studies indicate it is happiness here that makes the difference. I believe it. Can you even imagine what I am like when i am happier than I am  in Austin? You know me.  Can you imagine that? 

Google Blue Zones. 

However, do not move here and bring unhappiness with you. Listen I have this notion that if we visit and feel better and go from here anywhere and we intend to make the places we go happier places we will have tuned into the vibe that has made this place a happier place to live. Coming back once in awhile should also help. We will know when it is finally okay to move here. Don't wanna bring them blues to the Blue Zone. Music? That's altogether a different matter 'cause when anybody sings the blues they cannot help getting happy. Down here you can just decide to stay that way. Still, you can sing the blues, just don't talk them up too much. What am I talking about? I don't know. Come on down!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Memo: To Me Only

Today, I received a contract to sign written long ago by Kahlil Gibran. It is a beautiful treatment on the subject of “work” from the heart, for love’s sake, and I like it so much it has started me thinking. Recently, I watched a
documentary which focused on the rehearsal of a play by Brecht entitled “Mother Courage” and starring Meryl Streep, which was to be performed in Central Park at some date in 2006. It gives me insight to the theater and possibilities for my Billy the Kid musical play. And, “Mother Courage” was a musical as well and the songs therein were especially written for Meryl’s voice. I found that most intriguing since “Billy” is in need of a new muse of song.

Brecht's play is about the horrors and inevitability of war. Meryl told us that she wanted to do the play because she understands that whatever our protestations over war may be, “we all live off the war!” She repeated the line several times for effect, or I heard them repeat in my head anyway. How profound! “We all live off the war”.

Then, a friend wrote to me about a songfest we staged at her house many years ago where we recorded a bunch of songs I had written over the years. It fueled thoughts about work and life and love. I fell asleep this afternoon and awoke refreshed from a nap and the first thought I had was that I live off a meager Social Security check for the most part. I do it because it is easy. So, I thought, I live off the war. Then I thought, “Do I want to continue to do that?” Then I inquired of myself, “Is there a way off the government tit?” From time to time over the last few years I have thought I would like to just ignore the existence of that check and let the money pile up in the bank as long as I live and decide later if I want to do something with it…something outrageous!

I remembered Peace Pilgrim’s story and how much it inspires me. She walked until she was offered shelter and fasted until she was offered food…for 28 years!

I have a play and some clay and a new laptop computer with the latest goodies for manipulating music and art and a heart full of joy to give away. I want to give it...but how?

I see myself simply letting go of the monthly check and rolling away over gravel from this place where I am typing now after starting up Silver Bill, my ride.

I want to point out that soon after someone invited (challenged) me to come to Oregon to co-write a book, someone made my car water proof out of love and someone else gave me the new computer out of love and many folks cooperated to make my move a good experience, out of love. I have about 400 small books printed that I have written over the years that I could sell by the roadside. Or give away. Which? Okay. Just now I took a short break from this writing and what did I see on my walk but a bowl on a chair by the roadside filled with rice krispie bars and chocolate bars with a sign that read: “Take One and Have a Great Day!” I took one, took a bite, and it tasted mighty good.

That brings me to the crux of the matter, doesn’t it ?

If I am just like the rest, what good am I? A friend sang that. Bob Dylan’s his fake name. His real name is a frequency. It is my question now.

If we all live off the war, who is going to change? If nobody changes, what good are we?

I know a little bit about being outside the system and maybe I can take it further and get as far as I can, at least. I see it as being willing to refuse all contracts, except a contract of love, which is unlike any other contract because it has no purpose outside itself and it is unenforceable by man and nonexistent to mind. It is like I walk until someone asks If I want to sleep at their place; and, if I do, I agree; and, if they ask of me anything in return, anything at all, I walk.

If somebody says everybody must give something back for something they get, I ask, “How come?” If someone wants to bargain about what they give up, I walk away. Unless somebody sees the intrinsic value of having me around, I walk; walking away from the source of all wars, as I see it. And that is the way off the government tit.

Nature’s ample breast is my way.

Tell me if I am on the right track in my reading of the Old Testament as basically a story of some people who claimed they were the chosen people of Some Big Kahuna they called Lord or Father or Jehovah or some other names who told them, “Hey, if you want a place to rest and raise sheep go over to your neighbor’s land and bring weapons and I’ll deliver their heads to you and you can have their land because I like you better than them.” The same guys killed Jesus when he showed up. Some claimed Jesus was the only son of the Father, not Jesus though. Which brings me to point out that everybody knows what Jesus would have us do. No matter whether you believe the story or do not believe it, if you are familiar with it, you know what the character called Jesus would favor. It's unconditional love. No discussion is required. By Jehovah!

Only just now, do I realize the true meaning of the New Testament story: they killed Jesus! That’s it! When scripture says He died for your sins it means that He died because you are so filled with hate and fear that you murder kindness. You live off the war! That's what killed him!

Nobody believed in Him. Nobody! Not one of the chosen twelve stood by Him. He can be said to have died of loneliness and a broken heart. It is a litmus test for awareness. We failed. All of us. We are all in Hell. And, if He’s returning for another try; will I be ready? That’s my only concern now.

Okay. I am learning as I write this down. I am not sure yet. Thank you for being there to read it. There is a story told in India about a boy who was challenged by his brother to take a trip to a distant city on a train with no money and no return ticket and arrive back at home in seven days, having missed not one meal and having slept indoors each night on a comfortable bed in nice quarters, all without begging or stealing. The boy had told his brother that he was going to give his life to God and his brother, older, wanted to teach him a lesson. “You have to first learn a trade and make money and get a wife and buy a house and properties for your old age and then you can consider spending time as a spiritual person”, he told his younger brother. The older brother went so far in his zeal that he promised the younger boy that if he succeeded in winning the bet he (the older brother)
would bow before the younger boy and become his first disciple.

Well, guess what? The boy met some wealthy people on the train the first hour of his trip who were going to the same city as he for a great family feast. They invited the boy to go home with them and stay at the family estate and enjoy a week of festivities with them as their guest of honor. The last day of his trip, a man he met at the festivities knocked at the boy’s door and handed him a train ticket home, saying: “I felt in my heart you might need this.” And so, the boy returned home where he was greeted by his first disciple falling on his knees before him. It is the story of a young Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda.

I want to know how far I can go to know whether the better way to live is to trust the maker every moment in every thing. I am not sure yet. Anything else requires war after war after war and all the human suffering that greed carries with it. But more importantly, vastly more as a matter of fact, the way of trust is beautiful and rich and fulfilling and thrilling and awesome. The way of the world is dull and dumb. War is mostly, dull and dumb. It is boring and dead.

Let me illustrate my point with a question dear to the heart of a mother. Children get born to women as a result of close contact with men. Men want that contact but do not get pregnant and give birth. So, what is to be done about the children? That is my question.

We have tried to make these arrangements work by force of law and by societal pressures (religious and otherwise) and yet seem no better off. I suggest we try the Lord of Anonymity. By that I mean a walk into the void called UNKNOWN TERRITORY. Just to make love as we please and make the babies we make and then see who shows up to take care of them and find out, the only way it can be found out, whether our maker is a dumbass who does not know its business; or whether we have been the smartass dumbasses all along by failing to trust ourselves, as I firmly suspect is the case. Can manandwoman walk together freely, aimlessly, spreading visible love and thereby be given, day by day, a royal life beyond a king’s imagination, coming to enjoy a naturally occurring bliss? That is the question. I am not sure yet. 

I just read this again in 2013, more than a year later, after my return from Portland, and I feel the same way, only more so. It has taken me so long, Lord, I hope it has not been too long!

I just read this again in 2016, more than four years later, after my return from Portland, and I feel the same way, only more so. This week, I sent my Billy the Kid musical play finished to Portland to someone I know who asked to put it on the stage.  She had sent to me the contract I mentioned in 2012.  I signed it. It has taken me so long, Lord, I hope it has not been too long! 

I do not pray to my Lord, my Lord prays to me that I might listen. I promise to listen.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

So, I saw an ad on the internet appealing to a wish someone knows to have been planted in me to be more than I am. It said, Be more than you are! Well, it also said, If you have a clear picture of where you want to be, you will make much better decisions. I stopped reading right there. So many teachers out there are constantly appealing to us to set ourselves some vision of what we want to become and we will become it. Many have tried and the world stays the same. No. It grows more lonely.

Why? Simple. Once you are lost, the only road back home is just that. Otherwise, there can be no chance someone will discover the truth concerning….what is it you really do HAVE? The way home is to empty yourself of the burdens you carry that are not your own. It is surprising what is left to you after you do that.

Not only are goals pointing away from your deepest dream, they are shrinking it. What you are looking for you have already. Call off the search. Doors of opportunity will swing open where you will swear they could not have been.

Whenever anyone dressed as a teacher suggests he or she can help you become somebody you can be proud to be, reply simply, "Fuck off!"

There is a real hard worker who is not trying to remake nature to its liking.  I hope you meet that.

Monday, August 1, 2016


Let me tell of a king who reigned in anonymity upon the Earth for 1000 years-

and let me also tell that throughout the kingdom where this king ruled there was perpetual peace;

and all the anonymous king's subjects lived in plenty; and they had a ball; while none of those who believed in the kings who have names even noticed it happened. It happened right under your noses; and I am sorry if you missed it. And that is why I tell of it!

Crime was forgiven, disease got well, and hunger was fed. And, thus, there were no big deals in the anonymous king's sovereign realm where even the old were as young in spirit as Santa Claus; and even death came alive in the face of so much unconditional love.

All the subjects of that realm were free, happy people doing whatever was pleasing for them to do and nobody was ever excluded from a perpetual celebration of life. (not even you) It happened right under your noses; and I am sorry if you missed it. And that is why I tell of it!

The anonymous king wore no crown; and so, that is why you were blind to his presence. That, and your fear of anonymity. Fear can make a person go blind, as you know. Remember the tale of the naked emperor? Children see him. Back then, anonymity was the place to be, all right.

1)wonder if he'll come back again;
2)watch closely for the nameless friend.

He will be one who flatly refuses to tell you what to do and will not do what you want him to; because you want him to do it...ever.

He's a special case!”, according to his followers. “An ungraspable phantom”, some who saw him for who he is were moved to say.

Ornery, is what he is”, others, the blind ones, would label the anonymous one. “A buffoon!”, more of the sightless ones have been heard to name him. Some scholars, who read of him, called him, “a blathering monkey”. Yet, to this day that monkey remains anonymous and free.

The people who knew him said the best way to find him when you need him is to follow a butterfly; follow a butterfly who seems to be going somewhere, so exciting to go it cannot be spoken of;
see it flitting about, telling every pretty flower it meets, “Look out!”

It happens, when it happens, right under your noses; and I would be sorry were you to miss it again. Nobody, not even the butterflies, who delight in it, know the hour of its coming. Look out!

Composed February, 2013, Planet Earth by an anonymous composer who does not know why. Such have been known to introduce people to the anonymous king without an appointment since the anonymity has no scheduled appointments and does as it pleases.

To inquire write:

Note: This has nothing to do with Jesus Christ and those awaiting Him are to ignore this altogether; so there is no misunderstanding, the king referred to here is entirely anonymous and was definitely not born of a virgin. He is in fact not even a he and is both his own mother and father. And is his own child.

And this has nothing to do with the Holy Trinity Doctrine. I mean this is about what is truly anonymous. In the very broadest sense of that term. Not Yahweh, not God, not Allah, and not even sure. And, like was said, ornery. This just has nothing to do with anything, really. These words were merely typed up in an organized fashion to be read and understood as true. Mere words and rhythm in a frequency known unto the heart.