THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Thursday, August 31, 2023


Organization people are mechanical people. To adjust to pretending to be a part of some institution invented by others, we agree to try to please another person. It begins in the application for membership. A human cannot do that but a puppet can. So we try to become good puppets in the name of security and justify it with “everybody’s doing it”. 

We think: “after awhile I shall be able to free myself from the need to please somebody” but find out that  everybody serves somebody. It is possible to serve Nobody but that’s service to the truth that brought you here as a human being. That power is the only one that does not want you to be anything but exactly who you are and have all your life been. Socrates used to ask those who were renowned as the greatest thinkers of his time “Sir, if you have a problem with your boat to whom do you take your boat?” When told it would be taken to the boat’s maker, Socrates would inquire thusly, “And, if you have a problem with a human being would you not take it to the maker of human beings?” That is exactly the meaning of the Nobody (No Body) one can serve. It is  service to something inwardly and freedom  from serving anyone or anything outwardly. Just how much security is there in a job? You can be terminated because the shape of your nose does not please the boss. You know that but still clamor to get a job, some job. I know, having applied myself for many jobs, we all lie. If lying got you the job should you not be terminated by the interviewer before you even begin; assuming the interviewer is honest, that is? Speaking of which it is recommended everyone considering employment investigate into the truth of the simple declaration that in order to live outside the law one must be honest. The story of Jesus is the story of such a man. Take what you find to heart.

The writer once took a job when he was certain that he did not care a bit whether he would keep this job for one day or 25,000 days! There had been no interview at all. In that job he fit. He served no human authority and quite soon was the unspoken leader of the whole place for inwardly he was only a servant there to help people find what work they enjoy passionately and do it. Many people came to him during the time of his employment there and loved him as he loved them. The whole experience was a joy! 


Make it hap’m, Cap’m; 

Cap’m of the still mind of love.

The answer blows in on a wind

as if nobody sent forth a snow, white dove.

What authority have “I” inside this marvelous creation?

who does not even know the difference between a good or bad situation.

Says the wind to “me” wanting to be a popular sensation 

what is to be done has already been done

By Nobody.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023


How could we have sunk so low as humans to fall under the spell of words and allowed them so much power over us? So much, indeed, that in today’s world all effort in education and religious training of the young is based in words. There is no life in a word. Tell the loftiest word to stand up and show us your metal and the word will lie still in print or sound and flex no muscle at all, having none. Shout it! Print in letters 400  feet tall. Still it is much, much weaker than a single blade of grass. It is nothing but a symbol of something else. One cannot sit on the word “chair” safely but on a real substantial chair one can feel   comfortable without fear of falling on the floor. 

Dictionaries are fat and there are many languages in the world. But we can use a single example from English to make ourselves understood. For example, we can use the word ”charge!” long used for urging warriors to battle. Say the word as loudly as you wish to a cat and …nothing happens. And yet we have seen a cat “charge” its prey. The symbol for charge is not the container of the charge as an action. That is contained in the animal. That fact is important to anyone sensitive to a full understanding of the nature of the life form one is directing a given word or words unto. In this case, a cat. Is one thoroughly acquainted with the nature of cats?

Here we want to stress whether one is fully acquainted with the nature of a human being? An effort is going to be made here to state a sublime truth that is crucial to understand humanity. You are requested to listen with all your being so much as is possible for you now. We are dealing with devilish trickery and striving to expose it. The only way to train a human of either gender to obey words is to trick that lovely, sensitive, spectacular being into “thinking” itself to be a set of words rather than a living being naturally endowed with certain inalienable rights that among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit  of happiness”. Declaration Of Independence, United States of America. Humans flower. Should the human being told to “charge” be really human and not a set of words from a dictionary conditioned by words “to obey authority as defined by more words” (by which the life form has been taught to “think” he or she is a “citizen” of some “nation” bound to obey words spoken by “authorities” defined by words) be simply true to its own nature it would quite possibly reply to “charge!” with “beg your pardon?” Or “I prefer not to”.

Now, the wheels are felt to be turning inside conditioned brains everywhere to explain to this writer that were it not for excellent, rigorous education in a civilized system there will be chaos and mass confusion. First, are we not at this time living in chaos and mass confusion? If not, one can afford to ignore this writing altogether.  Second, have we so little faith in ourselves as we are? Third, would you starve a herd of cattle to prevent a stampede and call it success? Is it not obvious that to condition a brain to serve a system rather than to flower its own life its way is akin to starvation? Fourth, would wise human beings not look into the real cause of stampedes? Finding it is the herd’s natural perception of insecurity about things as they are, would they not act to end those threatening conditions? Is that not a clear and accurate picture of the current condition of humanity on Planet Earth, our home? And does an individual human actually believe they are not at least as well prepared from the beginning to live here as is a cow? A school might assist a human to evaluate the characteristics of different paints and brushes and canvases but not at all is able to assist in the painting of his masterpiece. Neither love nor passion nor life can be measured or compared. Living is compassion and love in relationship and that is inalienably endowed from the Creator. Such power is unparalleled. It can move mountains; and, furthermore, we know it. “Everything I know, I know because I love”. Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

 LOVE, or the Misuse of the Word

Sing out-

I will not attach to you and let you attach to me

I would not do that to anyone I love.

How could I? I’m you. 

I love you and we mustn’t attach.

When two people attach love goes flying away

Attachment actually divides, look, you’ll see it’s that way

Divided humans, those husbands and wives call attachment “love” 

out of fear of the greatest mystery either below or above.

And ‘cause fearful people tend to avoid the unknown 

for those attached true love will never be known.

How could it? We misuse the word “love” to attach 

trying to evade the power of these everlasting facts.

Selfless, love will always favor its freedom.

Billions of selves say desire to “belong” to another is love, a twisted and tangled up misnomer; and it follows as night the day that detachment’s the futile act of the same illusory rascal; 

so this writer claims that to love one other person and not love all the rest is just impossibly fantastical!. 

Love is no possession of mine.

Love is not cash or credit; it’s life’s beat and it’s rhyme.

Love, the word, can only truly be applied to a state of being fresh. wild, and free. 

A poet’s dimension. Two, having fallen for no reason stand back up god and goddess to make a poem to praise all the nimble creatures in a tree!

While “Love” mis-used most pop-u-lar-ly 

means: “How’dcha like to own somebody just like me?” 

That is not what Christ meant by “loving one another”; 

the Lord’s one commandment, means “ Go forth, My lovelies, be free!”


To be spoken-

It is so obvious by now how much goes wrong, how much suffering takes place in the popular misuse of the word “love” and not just between husbands and wives; between parents and children, siblings, fellow combatants in competitive dramas, religious fanatics attached to a guru, covetous nations with flags, distraught people clinging to a mutual hatred of a defined and named group of “others”, the capture and training and breeding of wild animals, the entire enormous, complex commercial enterprise surrounding marriage, family, and home making and so on. Even the climate changes. Dogs bark differently. The saying goes, “everybody does it”  “so I have to do it”. That’s a worn excuse.

It is safe to say all of the above confusion comes from “desire”. Desire comes directly and only from peoples’ thoughts. Definitely, love is not made by thoughts. You must see that! Really need to see that! 

Man makes desires, God is love! Since man makes desire he can end it. See it like it is:  “I made it. I am desire.” Stay with that fact. Do not evade it. Simply watch it. You will see it fade away as so much dust. It is so important to finally learn the change we need is never going to be realized from a “project” of accomplishment. No mantra, no set of beliefs, no ritual of any nature will save us. It is all about seeing beyond illusion.

It takes a new brain to build something truly new. The old one is too much damaged to be dependable in important matters. Who or what can renew a brain? Ask the maker of love inside the gap of time within the whole of human consciousness within you and it shall be so.

It is suggested here: a new brain can look at games of sport as totally cooperative and grand festivities whereby others make it possible for each on the field to discover the hidden excellence  within him and her. That is the payoff! Absolutely no place is there for trophies or championships or flattery or insult or any of the other stuff which make fools of unbelievably noble human beings. Make us dull and boring in ridiculously repetitive schedules year after year leaving most crying “wait til next year!” All of it fake for the benefit of commercial  enterprise. Guaranteeing nothing we say we “love” is sacred on the Earth.

Monday, August 28, 2023


Let us speak of finding a new way. A common arrangement long practiced throughout humanity across the Earth is marriage and family. All have some  familiarity with that subject whether they marry or do not. It is all around every neighborhood. It makes a good place to start.

The institution, though widespread, has little going for it. At its base was a plan by men to dominate women and the children they birth. That makes it so very suspicious all at once. It is completely the work of thinking brains of human manipulation. Nothing supports the belief that a Great Spirit told man to carry out such domination and abuse upon those he is supposed to love and cherish. Man and woman are conditioned deeply to make the claim it is so, though. Historians will chime in by claiming the alternative to marriage is an utterly chaotic world where men brutally take women by force for pleasure then abandon them and the children so conceived. Seem familiar?

So it is usually written in defense of a civilization that man has continuously attempted to improve the originally brutal system by declaring marriage to be a “sacred” instrument of the local religion. It is claimed that Great Spirit brings the two people together and binds them. But then they go to the home, close the door, and Hell breaks loose. So much for such a Great Spirit. For most, marriage  quite soon becomes a dull, monotonous repetition one has been taught to accept as never ending. Quite a Hell, actually. I can go on. Enough for now to close by writing that both sexes have been participating in the arrangement for thousands and thousands of years, at least; but does anybody really conclude it is working? I overheard a woman ask a man who had just complimented her  “then why do you not ask me out?” The dating game…courting is the old-fashioned name for it. Same thing. Courting is illusive. When “I “ court “you” we create images of one another. Based on the images we decide whether to continue the courting or break it off. Many marry the image they have of the other. All know that is not working out. This courting thing is very mechanical and life is certainly not mechanical! There is absolutely no method in love. Actually, courting is produced by fear. It’s the same for all image-making. Look. My image of myself attaches to the image of “marriage”. Why? It gives a certain feeling of security and we all crave security. Ask deeply of your inner being “what is true security?” and let the question answer itself. Two who meet in love (a dimension within each) will act purely without thoughts of a future or past (time) to bring further private meetings together to explore the love they feel. There is a gap between time and the timeless. It is also the gap between thinking and inner stillness (the dimension of love).

Here is what is seen on introspection. I have been taught that choice is freedom and freedom is choice. So, in marriage I make a choice. A problem arises between us. So, what do people do? They first make the mistake they always have made when a problem presents itself. They work on the named problem to make it better. Only the very foolish would fail (right quickly) to see that there are countless factors working together to make the situation as it is and realize a serious look at the whole picture is required to make anything truly new in the sense that the overall well-being of the couple can be expected to improve from the work to be done. In fact, a young child’s brain would go there first. Not so for the adult’s conditioned brain. You might ask why do the adults not ask the children. That’s a good question. Freedom is not a state of having a choice between images. A free human is clear and certain. Pure action follows. No room is there for decision-making there. It happens from time to time that two meet for the first time and one asks, “Why don’t we make a home together and have babies?”

Why did anyone ever come up with the idea to build a jail? That is worthy of careful and deep study for it will bear good fruit that actually can make a very much more satisfying world for all of us. It is a fact that a jail stands for the proposition that some of us are bad people who need to be locked up. And to be treated like criminals and the rest of the population are good people who ought to be allowed to move freely about. The result could have been foreseen. As more and more people are jailed it is becoming obvious to just about all that the wise thing to do is to cease trying to increase effort that fails and look at the whole picture for a change. We are the bad people we despise. This bundle of bad people is us. None are separate from the bundle. We must learn to love one another. And everybody will be surprised to find it is much less costly than a system of criminal courts and jails. Actually to love is a dimension beyond accounting figures altogether just as it is beyond “choice”. When a human acts in love there is a repayment vastly larger than any cost. And the ridiculous thing is, everybody knows it! Love cannot be “figured out”.

The practice of family carries with it the notion of a family name. In the West it is the common practice to concoct a system around a surname based on the male’s name which was concocted in the same arbitrary manner that has no more legitimacy than the practice of building jails. It is absolutely the spoiled fruit from ages of male domination. A common name is Smith. But Mister Smith had a mother. Also, Mister Smith’s father had one, too. These people as well had both mothers and fathers who each had such a pair who also each had mothers and fathers as well…and so on and on up the family tree. It is called a family tree but it as an enormously vast multitude of relationships. We know as a fact that all people have a mother and a father but it is not a fact that Mister Smith’s name is Smith. That is illusion. That symbolic practice results from a game developed along with a benefit to be gained by lying to children. And, millions have been persecuted and killed as a result of  the game. Wars are only justified by the “family” game. All the while, there is a fact that all of us are one nameless family all born related to everyone else as human beings. This writer happens to be equally related to the Smith family, the West family, the Bennett family and the King family…and that is just at the level of grandparents. Each grandparent had a branch like me. We honor but a tiny branch of the whole tree and ignore all the rest. 

Actually we are trees! 

We are the birds singing in the trees! 

And need to learn all their songs!

Many have thought violence is a requirement for us all and believe we will become peaceful after death if we have joined and practiced the right religious “method”. How silly can it get? For any who look it will be found that thinking divides whatever it thinks about into fragments and in separation there is no love. Love trumps thought. That ends the game. And instantly, one recognizes the actual problem concerning marriages and jails and wars throughout the world today. Need I say it?

We have no love. 

We have no peace, only cease fires to reload for the next war.

Sunday, August 27, 2023



Deadlines and commitments. WHAT TO TAKE OUT AND WHAT TO LEAVE IN. “Against the Wind” by Bob Seger. 

The stuff of worry, anxiety, and depression is what the song is about.  All have felt that stuff, sometimes more, sometimes less but all. Should you be done with it there is a way to end it and to live as a free human being here and now in your own body. You can if you try very seriously to find the illusion in you that is addicted to flattery and insult. There is no method for it. Why not? Because it is what you have naturally. Not possible is it to flatter or insult an infant.  Finding what you have is far different from finding what you do not have. The path of pathlessness it has been called. Unlearning is required, not learning. You watch your own thoughts closely and patiently without resistance or desire to escape. Merely watch. This is the beginning of true meditation. There is a gap between time and the timeless. There will come in you while you watch your thoughts a state, perhaps only a faint state at first, where for you there is no time. Remain in the gap and all else will be shown to you lovingly, as if by magic, except in reality it happens. This is for you alone. You will know it to be so that you are home within at last dancing a songline of your own a free human being. Up to now you have been trying to dance to another’s tune. 

Do not focus your attention on these words but as you read pay attention to the thoughts that have arisen in your own mind. That is yourself. That is your real business. It is now time to spot yourself as you are. It is of no benefit to argue with the words or analyze or criticize or defend any position. Notice the thoughts your mind produces such as “ This is a waste of time. We have other things to do”. Watch. Watch. Watch. What is actually behind all these thoughts? Illusions maybe? What is bound to result from actions you take based on illusion? A mess of conflict and confusion…deadlines and commitments…all of which turn out to be “self-devotion” caused by fear? Does any of this sound familiar? This has not been an exercise for intellectual entertainment. It has been directly facing a question of whether I am wasting my life or really living. There is an unmistakable “taste” to life.

Saturday, August 26, 2023


Birth. A baby from inside a woman manages with her help to emerge into the world we know, after all, we know we came here that way also and there is nothing in life more intimate than that birthing between mother and child. And it happens in the same part of her body that what is called sex happens. And of course sex began the process of birth. Very intimate these things. Awhile after birth baby is placed in the arms of mother who tells Baby essentially “welcome, I am your mother”. Is what just happened to them a sin in anybody’s book? Must it be submitted to an authority for analysis and rule making? Should a book be written for approval by proper authority? What can it mean? AN AUTHORIZED BOOK?

What is happening in you in the present moment ? You are, are you not, separated from the writer and observing what is written here so far to be separate from you? Your brain that has been conditioned to be an observer separate from the life it observes and to analyze what is before it, resisting it, and organizing a response to defend its territory thinking mostly of what use the observed might be to it, is making plans of its own based on the role it has been taught to perform. It is planning  to change this and deny that or accept something else all to avoid facing openly the plain facts of what has simply happened. It is doing a job with purpose. In other words, it is not an open brain able to allow the words as they are read to become a part of your consciousness and to look at thoughts as they arise in you precisely as they are and get to know them. No longer are we communicating. You will be proud to remain the same as before you began reading and grow old. Stuck. Like a stagnant river choked by the dirt of dead arguments. Now, the writer will go on, in the hope you will change. 

Birthing begins love, doesn’t it? Now, I bring this up because in my experience it is never given enough importance and that has something to do with being scolded and told sex is wrong except under approved methods. Question is, who is capable of approving methods for another? So many will tell us they speak for ultimate God. Whose approval is it going to be that we suffer? 

We must not forget how life began for every human being the same. Is any event more traumatic? Yet it is not recorded in memory so as to be recalled later. That might be worth a serious study. A study of memory, I mean, and what it is useful for and why? And who or what makes recordings? And, can memories be deliberately unrecorded by the brain? And what effect has memory in the way of mind conditioning? Has some notion been strongly introduced to Baby and recorded which a few years later begins a particular type of recording in your brain concerning what is important to its particular story? A name maybe and other identification data? Who is it going to certainly be that will be thinking the rest of your life that it has a particular story? Is it anything other than illusion? Is it even slightly important to know who is thinking? Thinking happens. Why does it have to be attached to a separate image? Or, any image at all? Do you think right now you are that image? An image your brain invented? Who are you really? Can you open the mind enough to discover that?

Death. It seems thoroughly unnatural to have attached to an image, like Miss Lonely. Watch that image attach, attach, attach, attach, attach through a lifetime. Behold, I am multitudes. Careful. Any attempt to detach is just another attachment. Instead, stay with the situation as it is. Let it be thoroughly seen. Multitudes. Watch. What happens? Does it gradually evaporate? Gone all images? Empty mind. How does it feel? To be on your own? A complete unknown? Like a rolling stone? 

Friday, August 25, 2023

 LIFE & 


The world of persons as far as I can see is a terrible place to try and live. So much violence. So many people hateful and angry. So much cruelty.  Enormous greed and disrespect for what is beautiful and tender. Comparison and measurement in all corners. People buying and selling others. Corruption rules on Earth. Beginning with the family of separation.

I cannot change the world. Have not the power to do that. I want to but cannot. I also cannot even keep my family and close friends knowing they are safe. I was early taught I was to do that much if I am to have any dignity as a man. I found it very hard to admit that it is not possible for me to keep such a promise to them because I am not Superman or anything close to it. I tried many ways to escape that fact. But it eventually got to me. I lost my mind. 

Then something happened to me. I admitted my weakness and sense of shame and asked for help with my suffering. Some people told me they recognized me as one of them and agreed to show me a way out of the sickness. Said it was unlearning mostly.  What I have to say now is that there is a way. I found out my trouble was not really “mine”-really, it is that I am not who I thought I was before. Like in the story of Alice, a caterpillar asked me- 

“Who are you?”

I attempted to answer and each answer was shown to be absolutely false. I arrived at a place where I just admitted, “I don’t know who I am.”

When a person is clear he has no identity his mind has to open up to the complete unknown. It loses its entire load of bullshit that was attached to the wrong ideas he had about the most fundamental truth- existence! Believe it or not it is a wonderful place to fall into. Empty mind, that is. Suddenly everything is possible!  It became my quest to question it all! Ha!

As I continued on the “questioning everything” journey to meet up with identity more and more gifts came to me I had not even asked to have as if they fell from trees or something. One thing for sure, empty mind has great energy. I tell the following and stop. 

Eventually, it came to me as a fact that my problem is the other man’s problem and the problem of all human consciousness and therein lies the source of suffering. We were driving each other mad in a House of Mirrors. Amness is life’s energy in a human body. That energy cannot be destroyed by anything. Nothing can reach it. It is in another dimension entirely. It transcends problems. 

My body is mortal and will die and can be hurt but not so for the truth of my identity. And it turned out to be what was left when I had established by serious questioning who I am not! With this knowledge was it realized in gratitude there is safety in a dangerous world. It is in me and cannot be messed with by anything.

One wise man called the trouble all people have “running against the wind”. Bob Seger  Another told us “The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind”. Bob Dylan  Same wind we run against holds the answers we need. 

This that is revealed here is not the property of any person or any group of persons. “Persons” are the great problem. To walk the safe road is not a choice and will not be found by shoppers. Lovers have it. A lover goes to any length for the beloved because that's what a lover does.