THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Thursday, September 29, 2022



Suppose there is one all-inclusive human consciousness. See that the personality of any human is contrived when thinking invades a space or dimension where it is incompetent to go. Now. Suppose consciousness composes a piece of music and that work is credited to a personality with a name agreed upon within a society of personalities. Such a thing is common as a cold in our world today. 

What happens when all of a sudden consciousness, the actual author of the piece, reclaims it and plays it through hands of a new, previously unheard of player? Yeah. That’s right. We call it genius. Many personalities are greatly affected by this and thrown into a state of shock. A whole new thing is labeled and many try now to copy the genius. Books are written. Records are broken. But the world stays the same or grows worse. 

Now. What if that were the norm? That is, what if all people expressed exclusively through an all inclusive human consciousness never letting a personality bound up in thought and time take the credit? In that world everybody would be of equal value and there will be no leading roles. Can you conceive of living in that world? Why not? It is so that no personality can make that happen since personalities are mischievous fakes but any ol’ “nobody special” can start to dance thataway. 

What has anybody in this corrupt world got to lose by trying? The important thing to know before trying is that it will require absolute emptiness of any purpose to enter the all inclusive consciousness of humanity as a whole. Trying to do it in order to achieve anything for the personality is no change at all. Whoever knows he has no purpose has one. 

It ought be added here that when anybody dares to begin there will be such an explosion of passion and love all over the world everyone will be amazed and ways will be opened never dreamed possible and heads will spin and hearts will rejoice. All will see open windows which were not there a moment ago and so much greater an intelligence will prevail.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

 What’s going on?

Two eyes look into two open hands, saying to nobody, “This body is here.” To that can be added, “and this body is a living thing.” The same is true for every other living human being.  We can agree on this much: two bodies, both alive. Wait a minute. This body that is living thinks! By thinking it is writing this down. Thinking calls itself “I” and it thinks it exists. It says “I am”. But, is it so that just because the living body thinks there is a thinker there is one? Or, has thinking done that trick, has imagined for itself a thinker. In other words, a part of thinking is its imagined thinker. A thinker is not over there separate from thinking, is it? Golly! I see that thinking has been giving itself imaginary powers and then awarding itself for imaginary accomplishments. That rascal! What is going on? 

What is a mind? What is consciousness? Hmmm. Consciousness is a word. Is it also a fact? Was consciousness before thinking? Did it exist before the word? Can a living body be conscious without thoughts or words? Hey, perhaps we are now able to see the scripture “In the beginning was the word” in a new light. It really points out that before any language was the thing the words are trying to capture for use in thinking but it is so very, very, very important to never lose sight of the fact there was a fact before the word came to name it or…we go nuts. Ladies and gentlemen, few, if any, human is unaware of the fact that the human race is “nuts”. We are onto something here. Pay attention.

Is consciousness all inclusive? What is going on? I just suggested to myself that what is called consciousness is, as a fact, all inclusive and common to all human beings and existed before the “word”. What we call “my consciousness” is “your consciousness” as well and everybody else’s too. Actually, is this stuff even important to think about? Looks like it is thought about when a human loses it by coming to think the “word” is the “thing” it defines and comes to believe his consciousness is uniquely “his”. 

Does this mean when Freud decided he would study crazy people he was really motivated to study his own craziness and maybe afraid to admit it? And it was the first time, but not the last time, a nut founded a philosophy.

Death is a fact. Everybody fears the word. Seldom speak of it. The fact of it transcends words for certain. Is that the real fear? Life for us has become the “word” and death another word that ends it? Life begins in the lactating breast. Death as a fact is the moment beauty releases [me] and is always exactly on time. That’s good music!

I once went to an analyst. Nice guy. We became friends. We worked together for six weeks or more. Discussed a book we both found to be interesting reading. At the end he told me he could do no more for me, that I did not need him, which was taken to mean he did not expect me to go on paying to have discussions with him. And he thanked me for helping him see some things that had been worrying him a long time. Joked that he might owe me money for that. In my heart I thanked the friendship. In the course of those discussions was renewed a friendship with the whole of life.

A child does not “think” of “consciouness” at all. Yet, the child has it. The fact is all are that child. And when my consciousness changes that of all others is altered as well. Let us get it together sooner than later.

Monday, September 26, 2022



Is it possible to prevail in life by non-conflicting behavior? Action occasioned by that which perceives itself to be the perceived means action of the whole, a pure, non-conflicting action that puts an ending to- “which side are you on?”, does it not?      

When a boy I loved playing football with all my heart, not because I wanted to defeat anybody, but for the beautiful wonder of crossing a line in play that led into an all-freeing passion. When coaches (any adult who was going to observe from the point of view of analysis of players) approached our game I walked away. Someone who was not going to throw a block or make a tackle or break an ankle had a motive to take charge in a way that corrupts beauty and that means the exit of love so all that remains is unworthy. And, what is left will attract more and more elements of ugliness and confusion to become another rat race in the world of the great rat fuck. As a child, I played “fighting soldier” in the same way as I played football. No one in my game bled, suffered or died. Then came the rat fuckers. 

Anyone ignorant of the possibility of non-conflicting behavior feels driven to take sides. However, I have noticed lately that something of the wholeness buried deep in the minds of all human beings from birth that has so far survived inside the rat race shows up from time to time in it and many are moved by it. Lately, I see more signs of an awareness that there is more to life than winning awards. And, furthermore, that it is worth facing a dragon over and I see more coaches who speak out concerning bringing a change that prevails when all seems lost because that change, when followed, removes even the possibility of losing. 

The analysts of the rat race are stumped more and more now in their efforts to explain this change. It is noticed that these games are taking on a new flavor where a coach tells his players this is your game and I want you to play each play to your fullest ability and whatever happens never are you going to think the game is not going your way, just turn your full attention to the next thing up. So long as you remain in this dimension you cannot lose, I promise you. 

More and more humans are coming to understand that all troubles have led them to greater awakenings. Trouble brings out the best. Something new becomes possible and that is the award I really sought…the new, the fresh. Then I become aware that loss is in another dimension I have abandoned and no one can explain that. I always was playing football to reach again the dimension of unlimited possibility. Then what was, was freedom as a fact and not just a hope.

When a human being is free they face the dragon because they are not afraid. They walk thru fire because life is worth it.

The writer need say “no more”. 

Saturday, September 24, 2022


Sometimes I feel like a king for no reason at all. What is the source of that experience? Huh? 

Is such an experience worth a serious looking into? What could be more worthy? Some of the time I feel like nowhere at all is the true source of beauty. So do others I have spoken with. When I see or hear or touch beauty and immediately wonder, where did that come from, I answer myself that the artist did not do it, the artist is somehow so open to the unknown it just blows through him or her.  Don’t you ever think that way about it? So, if sometimes I feel so awfully good that I relate it to being a king, well, maybe I am another kind of king. One that is  monarch when he is not looking to be that. I am getting an inkling the openness to all is critical to amazing power.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

 The Mechanical Life

As a younger man I was an addicted fan of football and especially the Dallas Cowboys. A young black player made a profound statement on television that shook my make-believe world to the core. It was on Super Bowl Sunday. The young man was Duane Thomas, who was to carry, metaphorically and literally, the Cowboys to victory that Sunday. The young Mister Thomas was asked prior to the start of the game by a commentator, “How does it feel to be in the biggest game of them all, “The Super Bowl?” The player paused and then replied, “Aren’t they going to play this game again next year?” 

That truth stuck in my brain and has remained all this time as a beacon home. 

I have seen for myself that anything done as a continuity is mechanical and is degenerative of the human body. A rut, it grinds away at the living organism. Going to the office every day for 50 years is so unnatural. Cleaning house in the same pattern and watching the children in a pattern of activities and driving them to their own assigned degenerative continuities is likewise. Playing a game season after season the goal of which is a make-believe championship was seen by a young professional player as a costly hoax if taken seriously. I ask myself, what, in our society, is not the same meat grinder? And is it not so that way of life is accelerating constantly? Look into it! It is sold to us as motivating us to further records and that that is progress. Is it? Really? Or is it a terrible form of meltdown into a dull and controllable hunk of dead or dying meat?

Who will have a better life? A mechanical robot with medals or a free human living in complete attention to the present moment deriving the benefit of all the moment has to offer unconcerned about a future? The answer is very important. Critical. Do not fail to consider this question from the point of view of the actual human being and the other actual humans he or she is related to in life. Ignore, if you are able, the point of view of a fictitious corporate system which organizes people in the fashion of robots. Who were the laborers who actually performed the holocaust?

Monday, September 19, 2022

 The New Human

Around me a whole new breed of people are here who live in a psychological world without past or future who are good at what they do but do it from something entirely different than the kind of people who have a past and a future. The ones with a past and future have inhabited Earth for a very long time and are compelled to explain and analyze what they do in terms of a system based in competition. The members of this new type explain nothing they do but offer comments like "we do what is the next thing up to do" and "we love what we do"..."we love each other"..."we read the whole field at once". 

 These two types are all bunched up together in various human activities. I suspect the ones without time actually get what the others are doing but have no interest in joining them and know they have no need to fear the ones who live in time but the ones with a past and future have no clue what the timeless ones are doing or how they do it or even whether they are doing things in a different way and still insist on explaining everything on the basis of competition. 


Writing this makes me laugh happily. There is something comical going on among these new humans who seem to say as they remain upright, calm, and on even keel: "I see what you do while considering a past and a future is mechanical and has you going nowhere accomplishing nothing whereas merely doing the next thing up is a wonderland open to that which is always timeless, new, and exciting and puts much less wear on the body!

Thursday, September 15, 2022


There are two of me. One a fact; the other but an illusion of who I am. These two are really not the same…not even close. The first we’ll call wheat. The other we shall call weeds. The wheat of my existence is the nameless fact. It is also undefinable and is not caused by nor can it be figured out by the weeds nor any set of them thinking, talking, or writing alike. The wheat must perceive itself. And it does. In fact, the wheat can only understand what has been written here if it knows itself to be a fact.

Even so, for decades of time I lived as the illusion, as a weed in an illusory world where weeds belong and wheat never will belong. How can an illusion ever even be actually present much less a leader of others? Whereas, wheat, a fact, is always present. All weeds are cunning enough to make it appear they are present and exist as separate persons with names and in relationship to each other. The selfish desires of these illusory weeds drive humanity on Earth. In a useless attempt to escape the terrible sorrow they constantly experience then impose on others, weeds living this illusory way have dreamed up gods, devils, angels, nations, enemies, marriages, families, and caste systems ranging from royalty to the lowest peasants, all of these as illusory as their makers. All these explanations made by thought concerning a world without a shred of existence bring more and more sorrow with every bit of temporary relief they offer. Falsehood is always loaded with side effects.

The weeds, although without existence in fact,  are cunning enough to realize that when the organism they house dies the brain will cease to think and they will end with the ending of the brain. They do not want to face death and their demise so they have invented by thought another world after death of the organism where they believe they will go and finally be happy. The other world has to be, of course, as illusory as the illusory weeds who invent it.

Time rules in the world of illusion. Every illusory weed from the richest to the poorest is striving to become over time something better.  However, the wheat, the identity of a human being as a fact, knows something that cannot be taught that makes all the difference. Nobody can teach anybody who is living in the world of illusion that particular know-how. Each weed has to find his or her own way out of illusion. This requires a very serious study of how the illusory self operates. It is necessary and possible to completely see what weeds are doing. The trickiest part of it is that the weeds are not troublemakers in the weed world at all, they are its leaders, the respected authorities who always promote other weeds to strive to become better over time. They use a system of reward and punishment to do so. And drugs.

Meanwhile, wheat knows it is already wheat and lives fully as that which it is in each moment. Time has no power over wheat. In this way a fulfilled life results. At death of the organism, the wheat is filled with profound gratitude. At death, for weeds, there is absolutely no meaning to or value in the illusory life they have suffered. They remain stuck with, “Well, it was hard and confusing but I tried.” 

The writer does not want the reader to agree with what is written here. The purpose has been to encourage a deep search within. And it must be stressed every weed is one’s own guru. Gurus are weeds. They want weeds to adjust to life as an illusion. Wheat will not even consider being a weed’s guru. It is that simple. 

This whole dialogue is based upon one thing- people invented with thinking symbols for some truth. Impressed with themselves, they began schools of symbols and soon forgot the truth. This is so of both science and religion. The new truth for people became its symbol. Why? For one thing, it is more convenient. Also, it attracts followers. Followers can be counted. Records can be kept. In Christianity, for example, people worship “Christmas” and pay no attention to the wordless truth behind it that every baby, however humble, is a savior of itself. Truth is a magnificent mystery and its discoveries great acts of purgation. Symbols are puzzle pieces that when put together amount to a totally meaningless symbolic gesture revealing nothing more than a hunger to control something-anything.

Successful hunting!


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

 A Story To End All Stories

For a long time and nobody knows how long a time it has been a few people have been making up stories for everybody else.  Simply put, they are known as artists and the rest of us are not artists. We are relegated to positions of work without passion and jobs which will never satisfy us. These artists are owned and managed by men driven by the desire to accumulate money. They utilize banks. We are mechanical and the artists and business types are the living ones who think they ought to be fulfilled. The house always wins, you see? That is built-into the system. Why is that? Nobody knows. Let us look until we find out shall we?

In the beginning everybody was a story, complete and fulfilling in all its respects and I mean it. Humans discovered their food for the day, prepared and ate it together. It is a fact! I know this because I looked until I found it out. I observed myself. Truth is in you and in me. That is what I found. The truth. It came finally to me in the following manner.

Made conscious of the misery of all human beings at once I understood that misery to be me. It ended, me, as easily and as swiftly as it had begun and it had begun in human thought after the beginning.  Unified with all humanity, there was an immediate understanding that the real world was not made for a few but for all and on exactly fair and equal terms. Are you following this?

I hope you are. That is the purpose of my life. Once I found the truth outlined above I entered a new dimension of living unlike any I had known before. I say it this way only because I am using words to communicate to you this story. The story itself is something that has happened many times before and will happen again and again. It is timeless. There is therefore a timeless motion and you can look for it until you find it. 

All other stories than this one involved time.  Whenever time is introduced there is no love, no beauty, no freedom. No truth. Time is an element of a game, and no game is real. Adults taught you to play games to learn how to live your life as a game, not real. The not real life we have been living for a very long time is a miserable one. Many, nearly all, no, all people, even the winners, maybe more so the winners, suffer. The winners lose their privacy, their identity, their integrity, humility, compassion, innocence, love, playfulness and more.

The other stories introduce a child to a false world where only a few are to be viewed as having a good time. It had to be that way because the intention was to make people switch to a game world the gamesters could dominate and the house would always net a profit while the others mostly lose…all the time. That is a terrible idea but it dominates. It is a bully’s idea. And bullies are cowards.  

The criteria to be a winner in the game is an ideal of constant, uninterrupted competition with everybody else so competition is promoted with great vigor. The game is built around an array of awards and rewards that set the winners apart from the losers. Children are systematically hypnotized to believe the game is the real world as surely as famous hypnotists hypnotize volunteers to believe they are chickens! Look at your own life! See!

However my story to end stories is like pointing you to a switch in you which only you can reach which will put you into the genuine real world where life was not made for a few but for all and on exactly equal terms. There is really no choice for you to make. It is so clear. A world where only a very few can excel in the many areas defined as open to them and the rest are fans who desire to be celebrities is lousy when compared to a world where everybody, without exception, works with passion and compassion in a work that brings them pride and satisfaction and everybody eats.

Friday, September 9, 2022


Boy meets girl. Instantly there is a passionate moment of love. The boy thinks, 

“I desire this girl. I can have her if I am smart enough. Over time, I will court her until she realizes I am a good deal for her for life. Once she sees it my way she will accept my proposal and promise to be mine.”

His plan works. They eventually marry. 

What is unknown to the boy or girl is that their “deal” was the result of a very petty, restrictive, limited  plan to be brought about gradually, over time. It amounts to “I will make you mine by my  clever plan.” So, what they are entering is a mental image of a very limited nature based upon the ideal to gradually realize over time the fruits of a happy marriage. The marriage will be of the same petty, restrictive, limited nature and it will be drawn out, long, contradictory and quite boring. A happy union is born complete in the place within a human being where the passionate moment of love happens- inwardly- in the human psyche, where time does not exist. Always it is now in that place of timeless motion. The impossible is made possible. 

Love resides where there is no conflict of any kind, nor any jealousy or fear. Knowing that makes a marriage that is forever fresh and alive as the first moment. The moment time is introduced through limited thinking it is no longer possible to have a happy marriage. To be free of time between partners is key. The whole population of Earth can be happy together this way. It is a fact that when two or more end time within themselves they suddenly are much more intelligent and will solve any problems instantly by the goodwill abiding in love. Let us love one another.

“Thou leanest to the Shell of Night, Dear Lady, a Divining Ear.” James Joyce

Thursday, September 8, 2022


There is no impossible…that’s just “I don’t know".

There is a narrow possible and there is an immense possible. 

So, if it is impossible, it is the unknown and that is possible.

Thinking in terms only of the possible is petty, small, very limited.

It is like choking oneself. And that is “possible”.  Nobody else need choke you.


 “I sailed my safe boat ’til I sank it”. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


You can hear words spoken or read words written, and, depending on your understanding of the language, pick out a more or less clear message but the words you are  dealing with have meaning according to a dictionary agreed upon, more or less, by the society’s word police. Schools specialize in drilling this process into the brains of students mechanically. But the brains of the students of schools tend to become dull over time from being treated as machines rather than as living organisms, which they are. The magnitude  of what is lost is unknown. We know these dull-minded folks are manageable. Free-living humans, on the other hand, are unmanageable. And- listen to this-the process begun in school never ceases all the way through several advanced degrees and all the actual scientific work of the person on the same narrow subject and just how does that shape, or misshape a human brain? Plenty, I am afraid. 

By contrast, you may be outdoors on a walk or just sitting under a tree and hear a bird singing. Then you hear a second bird respond to the first one in conversation. In this way you, if alive, must gather a message which is beyond words invented by humans. It is certain, though,  that by the brain’s training beginning at school your brain will rather quickly begin a programmed response to the event inside your head using words. And yet the message beyond words is there and can still be accessed by the human as well along side the wordy dialogue. So, with a single simple happening in nature there are two messages received in the human and I ask you which is more vital? And further, is it important or necessary to store in the brain either of them?

One thing new has occurred to the writer of these words. Is it possible for a human to have a sufficiently still mind to find out for certain what, if any, use we have for a book of vague, contradictory and dead words arranged in the past? Does that not prevent anything new? Or, can we discover a proper and safe use for some words that is not so destructive to ourselves? For example, scientists, politicians, philosophers, religious orders and married couples, as we know, seldom agree. Conflicts will grow into wars. What if the battle of the sexes, as old as mankind, was created by words? Who knows the extent to which that battle has been corruptive of the children? 


J Whooperswan

Sunday, September 4, 2022

 We all know what to do and

that it is not accessible through any type of imposed authority.

At the level of freedom is the way and the way to freedom is love.

Freedom and love are one and the same.

Thursday, September 1, 2022


If a man says "I am a part of an indivisible whole (such as a religion or a nation, humanity, etc. and lives as if he is separate who is that man really?


(Hint: he is the divided up nut case most humans are and a liar) 

It simply counts for little what one thinks or believes. What we know is what counts. Such a man is living a double life. That means he is a walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction. If you knew and cared about that man and he asked you why he is so sorrowful what would you tell him?