Death is not much.
Death is the end of time.
Death is the end of thought
Death is the end of comparison.
Death is an escape to the timeless.
Death is not much.
Life cannot be explained. Accept this much for now and flow with me. Authority has us in complete denial about it most of the time. This blog wants to show there is a whole different way to live and humans can do it and have done it before. It is hoped we get that job done.
If one says he or she believes in a Creator of the Universe what can it mean? A true creator loves its creation without a single reservation of any sort. Have you not ever felt that about something you have made by your own hands? All reservations that limit that kind of love have come from human critics driven by ignorance and fear. People of conflicting interests cannot bring peace. Therefore is it established that any people who have failed to bring peace among themselves have interests which conflict with those of their own creator. A priest worries whether his hat fits correctly and what is for dinner. Seeing all this is a growing up fully in relation to a thing greater than we have embraced up to now, don’t you see?
A Golden Spiral of beauty formed the Universe and is the creative force of all there is. Living within that spiral, every thing we put our hands to is infused with it. A profound question exists! When the question flowers an answer all who asked it in earnest must support it. People support to death what they bring to fruition. People always oppose, to destruction, often secretly, any solution forced upon them by fiat from above. Can I end, in myself, any interests which conflict with those of my creator?
So, do not expect me or anyone to bring the answer. That is crazy. The answer must flower in me and in you. That is a tall order, my lovelies, but its coming is as certain as the next sunrise. It’s imprinted on life.
The Birth of them blues…
An educated man, by that is really meant a human who has attended and graduated, or nearly gardurated, from a school of higher learnin’ after High School. Sumpthin’ like all that there anyhow.
Such a person, by that time is so white-washed he must interpret everything he comes upon in the limited language of acquired knowledge, lectures and books, that maker of conceit, and deceit. He pretends to know about other languages…the language of music for example but cannot know them for his brain is too far conditioned white to ever come back to its original state of openness lest a miracle happen. So, when listening to music he or she is thinking in a language outside the realm of music. Such people are more interested in the birth date and national affiliation of the composer and how many pieces he composed and in what order than in the music. All trivial. By openness I include the languages of God, including the language of nature, the language of love, the language of decency, the animal language, the plant language, the language of sexuality, the language of art, the language of soul, the language of taste, the language of smell, the language of sound, the language of vision, all the languages of pain, the language of the dead and so many, many more. All of them are intuitive. True mathematics is intuitive.
So, this educated fool will believe a Negro was drawn to the Blues as a method for raising himself out of poverty into the higher social status of better living. That one misses entirely the truth that the more natural human who is held down by the authorities by force will have to discover: Hey, I am not that one who suffers, I am something quite magnificent who can sing!And by that, discover he is already free! Discover the greatest truth: that freedom and fulfillment are completely independent of one’s circumstances. From there he can pity those who use violence to acquire and hold onto material wealth and fame which turn out always to be another form of slavery. A human being with such brilliant insight enters the world of creativity, leaving behind him or her the world of problems and problem solving as one truly free human being! A person who can do anything! If the educated fool had the eyes of a babe he could see it on the faces of the truly free.
So let us be real. What the Black people created was freedom right in the face of the problem. Instead of trying to escape from the trouble some of them went into it. Met it. Were it. Made it Tru Belle. Creativity happened. It will happen every time! From the Far East came a teacher who told all who listened, Do not say “Fear has me!” Say, “I am Fear!” “ And by so doing end fear forever. J. Krishnamurti. The broken Hallelujah was born tens of thousands of years ago. And it transformed Hell into Heaven in America for some folk. It works when all hope is gone.
See, the blues does not say, Heaven’s a-comin”. The Blues say, “Heaven is here!” Big difference. Try it for yourself. Find out.
I wonder if I can write about something very complex and very important in a simple enough way to be understood in a flash of insight that will have a lasting effect. I’ll have a go.
There once, not so long ago, were vast herds of four legged beasts roaming the plains of America. Indians followed them and hunted them as a way of life. Indian and buffalo thrived. Along came European white man. In a short time of trying to kill every last buffalo the herds became very small and have not recovered. The Indians were herded themselves onto reservations. Many starved. The Indian children were taken from their parents and forced to attend schools meant to forcibly absorb the Indian population into the white man’s way of living. Much suffering was felt. I’ll stop there.
Now, based open the above, I want to examine into the question of how could this have been handled differently?
My point is that one group of humans upon observing the buffalo without inquiring passionately “what has brought this great herd of animals about? What is behind it?” decided to try to annihilate them from the Earth and almost succeeded, but not quite. They made the same incomplete analysis with regard to the Indian population and tried to eliminate all of them without honoring their past. Is this humane?
The people back in Europe had been doing this sort of thing for thousands of years at least. Colonization and slavery practiced by these groups was disgustingly horrible in so many ways to study it would make anybody sick. Such ways culminated in a great war called WWII at the close of which two atomic bombs were dropped on Japan foretelling of a time when all life can be destroyed by a group having the knowhow to make and utilize such weapons. Very simply, what would anyone with a brain expect to be the future of a group who thought and behaved in the way described above? What would anyone with even a grain of intelligence predict? The way described is not only continuing to grow it is spreading all over the Earth very rapidly. How many are waiting for somebody else to tell them what is to be done? Nearly everybody? Do they sincerely hope to use the excuse, It wasn’t me?
I cannot change anyone but myself. What bullet fired has ever brought about a peaceable man? Can I change in such a manner that I am removed effectively from the fate awaiting those who do not? Can I live in peace on Earth with every other living thing? Upon observing life can I humbly ask: What power has brought this about?
Finally, no matter what happens, will I decide to find out whether I can live peaceably for the time I have left? Is that important to me? How important is it? Humbly, I begin.
There is a meditation that involves zero effort. There must be no intention on finding a reward. You will not discover anything you can take with you to use for your own ends. It will not make you a better this or that. A newborn infant does it. The brain finds itself to be completely quiet. Notice the brain has not been made to be quiet by any method. That would be only more conditioning of an already conditioned brain. It is quiet. No effort has been made of any kind. The quiet brain naturally apprehends infinite space. Infinite space is…well, you find that out.
Success is failure. So, there is no success. No failure. Amen.
The end is the beginning. So, there is no end. No beginning. Amen.
Cease the practice of dividing what is indivisible and discover what you got.
All this is deep. Dig, dig, dig.
Being alive is a marvel!
Ask: Is it possible for my brain to be still? If you mean it, watch the question flower into an answer without your participation. Something besides the brain can communicate with it. Create, create, create. In this way is it done. There is a big difference between invention, which comes from past knowledge, and creation which is always new, original. Better by far to create yourself rather than to invent one. Better to create a life for the self you create to live, as well.
Being alive, one does not carve. Life is a marvel!
I , a whooper swan, am alive. You are too. What does it mean? What are we to do with life? Dance? Is a child crazy to talk to….himself? herself? To nothing visible? I mean to earnestly speak to that in a language he is absorbing at a rapid pace with no intention, with no purpose, with no rush but with an intense energy that comes from he knows not where? Any of this sound familiar? Is it more likely that kid I mention is off the beam and needs direction from an adult or is it more likely the adult needs to watch the child and to learn about himself and inquire whether or not he or she is living a real life? You decide. Do not agree or disagree with me. Look into it if you feel an urge to find out. The kids know something most of us have forgotten.
What that is just may be the most important thing to keep at the forefront of one’s daily awareness. The children come here with it intact and quite vibrantly showing. Do I need to give it a name? Of course I do not. On the contrary, if I name it theories begin to spring up all around it and soon the words become the thing for us and we lose it again. A god we invent to help us find it arises. We make rules and we build temples to the god(s) we invent. And give our money. Great treasuries of wealth now run the show we once had as an exclusive stage. See how quickly we lose what we most need and proceed as broken beings with a thousand crutches completely inappropriate to the actual situation? Begging.
We follow the gurus who are happy to take us on a wild goose chase they lead as experts. All the while we are fully provided for from an agency within us a child speaks with passionately and without any notion he or she needs an interpreter or that that which is listening wants a temple built to prove my worthiness. In fact, that which actually made us makes it abundantly clear how truly worthy we are by giving us a breath as surely as one might who places a mouth on ours and blows air into our lungs. It tells us constantly how much we are loved. Make your home there and stay close with that.
I can fly thousands of miles with my flock with a precision that outshines the finest instrument of man with no money under my wing. Do you doubt you are at least as worthy as one such as I? You and I are perfectly designed to be here! The child is the best part of each of us. A poet, William Wordsworth, once wrote : The child is the father of the man. She is also the mother of the woman.
This line goes mostly misunderstood to this day. Study it out for your self. It has nothing to do with thinking or character or personality or any of that adult shit. It goes way deeper than that and is far more real. An adult not guided by the wisdom of a babe is lost indeed!
Here is what happened to me. A story. I tell it as it comes to me. I was born. I grew. I attended school. I got married. I got a job. In each of my jobs I learned a bit then wanted to do something else. This continued through about six jobs. In a couple of the jobs I was my own boss. I tired of me as a boss as easily as I tired of the others. I was 39 and very miserable by this time. My wife and I had divorced after two children were born and the eldest was 5 years old and the youngest still a baby. Living as a divorced man with children and another job I burned the candle at both ends you might say as long as I could until I was really running on fumes, My life seemed to have no direction, like a sailor without a compass lost at sea might feel. I even considered suicide.
One day I stood by a lake as this question formed inside me “If you are there, please help me. Send to me a mentor. Somebody who can understand me.” It struck me as odd that I used the term “mentor” for it was alien to me and was a word from my ex-wife’s line of work. But it came to me at that very moment. The feeling was that I could really use a friend who was as crazy as me, or had been, as inept at life as I was. And at that moment I became aware of a man on a bicycle peddling toward me. That man stopped because he and I recognized each other from having attended the same workshops in the past for the purpose of quitting the habit of smoking cigarettes. Both of us had been smoke free for several years. We talked. Actually I am certain I did most of the babbling while my friend, named Buddy, listened. When he had heard enough he invited me to attend a meeting with him. I agreed without any description of the nature of the meeting we were to attend. I did not care so long as Buddy was going I wanted to go. The meeting turned out to be a group of drunks from Alcoholics Anonymous.
I attended meetings for several months where I was overwhelmed with a large number of friends, mentors, who knew and understood me very well indeed. My time with them led me to investigate another world. The world within me is what I mean. To begin to understand me. I am pursuing that knowledge right up to this moment for very many years.
I want only to tell at this time that I became acquainted with a teacher who agreed to teach me how to meditate. He called what he teaches “The Knowledge of oneself” and said it was different from what most call “meditation”. There were some techniques. We were to pay attention to the fact we happen to be alive through the techniques is all I will say. I found it very difficult to do them for even a half hour. It was a struggle. I felt I was doing something wrong. Or there might be something wrong with me. Then the teacher offered to all his students a second chance to come to a review of the directions he gave and I attended. At this time what I heard him say that alters the whole affair for me was this: “These techniques I suggest are very simple. You were fully capable of doing them when you were an infant. No effort at all is required. If you are experiencing difficulty you are causing it.” From that moment until now I have experienced the meditation with ease and comfort. It began for me a lifelong friendship with something back of life that is immense. The fact of life. There is no effort at all to my spending time that way everyday. That concludes the story. It is just a story. There is no hidden meaning. If the subject interests you check it out for yourself.
What Do You Seek?
RELAX. When all senses are idle the whole being apprehends. The indescribable will show you the way to live. By this, will you pass beyond the barrier of description. Anything more is only more description. The description is not the thing.
What do you seek?
That is mere description. Name and noise. What is it you seek?
More description. What do you seek?
It is unknown to me. Whole being following its own instinct will know it when I find it. I work without plan.
There. You have it. You always had it.
The simple question, “Can I be reborn anew every moment?" when truly meant opens a can of absolute beingness. Being answers all the boring questions before they are formed by a frightened, conditioned brain. That is the force in the great vitality of a profound question. It is the promise of “Ask and it shall be given you”. You must try it.
One Question
Whoever you are, read this with eyes of a newborn baby. Do you consider yourself to have problems to resolve? List a few. Now, I suggest to you we can address them one at a time and find a possible solution to each one with great difficulty which will probably not work or we can simply ask ourselves this:
Do I have, truly, anything unselfish to offer the world as a worthy contribution to goodness?
Mean it. You will never have to seek answers to another question for the rest of your life for you will be far too busy giving of your talents without end to the whole world. You will say “I do not explain myself to anybody”. You just will not feel like having a problem.
Note: Should you balk at being able to read these words with eyes of a newborn ask instead, and mean it-
Is it possible for me to perceive the world as a new born infant?
Mean it and you will always perceive with such freshness for the rest of your life. You will just not feel like having a problem.
I am reading a slogan on a wall in a coffee shop that says
It reminds me of the greatest lesson I have learned which is that life and death are one. Not separate! One inseparable truth are they.
Why is that so great to know? It brings freedom from the fear of death. That’s why. Is that why enough for you? If so, you are someone I am watching for to share a real conversation between two living human beings.
To try to live for something rather than to die for it is impossible. Why? Because life and death are one. One who tries it will only live for some ideal slogan on a wall and nothing will change really. Slogans are dead things. That type experience is so fleeting and frustrating. Boys and girls are sent off to wars on the basis of slogans. Many die.
However, if a human being can die to all the ideals that one has stored in memory from all the conditioning of the brain since birth, at once, and we can, life and death go together within that one forevermore. It can be described as the killing of the ego or false self to go on living in freedom and pure action. Study on it. I hope to meet you in a field of love soon as living beings of pure action free of conditioning here and now on Earth. PURITY OF ACTION IS YOUR BIRTH RIGHT.
A Man Of My Age
The only thing that matters about being a man of my age is that for a man of my age every day matters. I must make my own way and not miss any chance for happiness that calls to me. To let go absolutely is my way. Writings will write and paintings will paint and sculptures will sculpt and I shall live along side them and love living. I learned recently that although it be considered difficult to live in this world there is the added burden of having to make it all up as well, but I know the secret. Right now here is where pure action happens.
I propose to anyone who works in the field of behavioral adjustment, or who might want to, to consider a very simple fact. It will never work to your satisfaction to take any but pure action. So long as my behavior is not pure but tainted by selfish interest I will make matters worse even with the best of my intentions. What I am telling you is obvious when you take a close look. When I am working to earn money my employer or client will have power over me that must corrupt pure action. If I believe I require the job with its paycheck I enslave myself to the payor. One must be clear that one's work is such that you would do it even if no money were offered. A prostitute is by definition anyone who does work he or she would not do were money not promised. Whoever is not working solely for the love of the work done is a whore. Such people cannot know freedom.
So, resign and find work you can do with pure action uncorrupted by self interest. You might be too concerned with your perceived need for money to follow this advice. In that case you will continue to accept money for your work and become a problem to be addressed by another paid social worker...probably several. That will become what you will call your life. Interestingly, when I took a job of work I knew I would do for no pay the one who hired me found it impossible to give me orders to the point he ultimately told me "make up your own job and keep me informed so I can intelligently discuss your work". That is freedom!
I do not know what capitalism means. I do not know what politics means. They appear to me as trivial nonsense. Products of imagination. Corrupt from the outset. Have nothing to do with pure action. They are intelligent theories made up by educated professionals concerning a better way to work a pack of slaves in a money driven world. Are formed in an entirely different dimension from a world of pure action. They are beliefs of a conditioned mind that considers it necessary and appropriate to tamper with pure action on the theory there are no humans who are pure and never can there be. Because it is the product of a confused mind tampering is bound to cause more confusion that further tampering will exacerbate to the point quite familiar at this time to all humans of Planet Earth.
This is written by someone who practiced law (a part of the field of behavioral adjustment) in the United States for about twenty years for the purpose of earning money. I would have refused that line of unhappy work immediately had no money been offered me. Eventually the state of confusion I felt became unacceptable to the point I quit. Knowing not what pure action is I had no clue what else I might do for work. Only I knew I could not go on the way I had been living.
I read a book titled “What Color Is Your Parachute” and found a career counselor who asked me for money to advise me. However, at the same time I was spending several hours a day in the company of folks who offered to help me find happiness for free and because they wanted to (and among those kind folks was my career counselor). They fed my heart and stayed out of my way. From them I found the courage needed to decide I would follow my own deepest yearning which led me to try working purely for the joy of doing it with no concern for my economic welfare. I refused all pressure to define my work. I would work for the sake of it. And I work harder than ever I did as a lawyer and my work brings good to those I serve. Great Nothing provides all my needs without my tampering and that is the pay for pure action. And I have no interest in retirement from such joyful pure action! I have enjoyed my life as never before. I thrive! I travel. I meet many true friends continually. Now, 34 years later, I am confident to tell anyone such a way exists for us all and it works! This is no attempt at personal worship. I receive beautiful signs from the Universe and follow them. That is how I live. It is as if something that expected me to show up at my birth lovingly prepared a party for me and only me. A true friend even dedcided to build for me a car when he saw I was walking or riding a bike everywhere. For this, I call the giver Great Nothing. It teaches me love.
I have written a play and hope to see it on a stage soon. My play tells that anyone of us who rediscovers life beyond selfish motives makes a contribution to the divine consciousness of a parallel world that is real though it be be totally unknown to the poor, unhappy, selfish slaves. Monetary slaves are abundantly unhappy and must abuse others accordingly. In the parallel world life is all about love and the actors here make it funny.
Shakespeare wrote:
“For never anything can be amiss when
simpleness and duty tender it”.
(A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
More on Pure Action
Jesus, it is told, was resurrected from the dead. Only Jesus knew. A firefighter has risked his life to save that of a stranger. When interviewed he tells “I only did what anybody would have done”. Neither you nor I can see that take place. We see him take a great risk. Only the firefighter knows his action to be quite natural. A man spits in the face of another. The other simply wipes the spit from his face and tells later that at the moment of the spitting he registered nothing within himself concerning the spitting man. He had nothing to forgive nor anything to avenge. Neither you nor I see that. Only Atticus in To Kill A Mockingbird knew it to be completely natural action. Pure action is from another dimension beyond thought. In athletic competition it is referred to as “the zone”. In that state nothing I do can fail. Pure action is another world here and now open to us all. Find out for yourself.
What Is It?
The Story of Jesus Is To Me The Story Of Pure Action. It is the story of resurrection from death. Organized Christianity seeks converts on that basis. Jesus died for you. It adds he died for your sins. That has to be a load of guilt for any convert. Suppose we all agree Jesus died. We all will. Next let’s look at resurrection. Rebirth. In some way, Jesus’s story represents when one dies one lives! Many Christians and many non-Christians know that. It is so because death is a pure action. Life is pure action, too. So, life and death, inseparable, have something in common.
And all who live have life and death in common. All who know that when one dies one lives say life and death are one. It just may be so that all human beings qualify as Christians in this one sense. All must die and death and life are one. I see it this way.
There is definitely a way to die while the body lives. It is giving up psychologically to this world of personal worship in self-centered action as we are taught to experience it to find another world parallel to the one given up that is far superior.
Truth is not property of any group but belongs to us all without joining up with a chosen bunch. No dues or fees. Pure action is action anonymous. Hey, Action Anonymous, that’s AA, which is the death of personal worship. Sports coaches teach their players to act for the team because that is the way to victory! Life is a team sport. The team is all humanity. Action by a human who feels that way must be pure action as much so as the firefighter who risks his life to save that of a stranger…because the team we belong to without a doubt is humanity as a whole. We were automatically enlisted as a part of that team at birth.
We can agree that life is pure action. Death is pure action. And action taken by a human that is for the team is pure action. What is not going to be explored here is “how”. How carries with it the corrupt notion that you do not know and drags us back to seeking the best group to join by comparison and measurement. We know how to take pure action. Nobody need train a firefighter how to take pure action. If a child could not learn to walk without being taught by an adult nobody would walk. We crawl. We stand. We walk. Adults who already walk simply feed the child and stay out of the way. That is the way of pure action. Feed each other and stay out of the way.
Sigmund Freud studied the behavior of infants and of adults and concluded that infantile personality is such that the baby believes all its needs will be met as if by magic while the adult personality is such that it knows its needs are going to be dreamed up by its brain and met by its own efforts. He wanted to teach the adult who remains in an infantile manner to grow up and face the facts of life as he ( Freud) saw it. It is becoming clear to humans now that the infant has no personality as yet and simply lives by pure action. It is more wise for the adult to become as a child in that respect, eliminating its adult personality to find resurrection or pure action while alive.
Seek Great Nothingness with all your might for it is the home of love, peace and compassion. We are creatures absolutely inseparable from Great Nothingness and yet to seek that, which is totally alien in our lives, is quite extraordinary in the world as we know it. Thought separates everything and demands concentration. So it is at odds with anything outside the limited area to be concentrated upon. Teacher does not want the students to look out the window when teacher is lecturing. That is supposed to make the students smarter. Does it? Or, might it actually make them accept and admire dumbness? Find out. The King does not want any of his subjects to object to a war he is waging which is always said by the King to be a war to bring about peace. That is an example of dumbness brought about by concentrating on but a fragment of reality. Can you see?
Through paying full attention to nature, what everything else living participates in, one can happen upon something extraordinary. Call it what you will. It is called here Great Nothingness. Such a non-thing cannot be organized and taught in schools by a method of concentration and memorization. One has got to look out the window. Nature is in perfect order by the fact it is nature. It belongs to everybody equally. Excludes nobody. Rather than separate it unites. I am reminded how music united rednecks and hippies in the seventies. Extraordinary happenings like that are worthy of all of every child’s attention. Organized religions separate people by arguing over God. That is another example of dumbness. It is possible to find that which unites all people as one by simply joining without reservation the world to which we obviously belong. Truly, it is impossible in this way to fail to find it. Science is indeed unscientific in failing miserably in this regard. I know a math genius who cannot ask a woman to go for a walk.
To close, I am reminded of a great saying attributed to Plato and to later mortals. The saying is: Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle. Everything I read on the internet about the saying totally misses the point. So, it is no wonder the identity of its author is unclear. Nobody seems to grasp that the battle everyone fights all the time is within the fighter, not a struggle against any outside circumstances. Really listen to Bob Dylan’s music.
Once that is clear one sees immediately the cause of all other conflicts. The war within us is the cause. Why do we continue to wage wars of all kinds against one another…why did Cain kill Abel? Only when the cause of conflict is seen, really seen as fact, will anyone cease conflict with everybody and be kind. Until that happens the slogan is just a slogan reminding one that we ought to be good, not bad. And like all slogans committed to memory and repeated, ad infinitum, it will have no real effect. But, anyone can be kind to a stranger for real at any time without joining a peaceful movement or asking anyone’s permission and regardless of what all others do by seeing the cause of all conflict as the battle inside me. Looking within, into the battle there, conflict ends for that one individual. Great Nothing cheerfully accepts the blame.