THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

What is a problem? What is its makeup?

A dictionary states it this way:

In everyday language, a problem is a question proposed for solution, a matter stated for examination or proof. In each case, a problem is considered to be a matter which is difficult to solve or settle, a doubtful case, or a complex task involving doubt and uncertainty.

Or, a problem exists when a current situation compared to the ideal situation is unacceptable and must be changed. Problems seem to raise the question ”How can this current situation be made ideal?” Right?

The most urgent matter to be addressed in the case of a problem is to notice that facts actually exist and ideal situations do not exist. It is one thing to deal directly with a fact and an altogether different matter to try to deal with an ideal which does not exist and will always involve conceptual preferences of self interest. Self interest corrupts any attempt at certainty. It is guesswork at best. And guesswork will bring  new problems with any of its attempted solutions. Always there is loss and the problem solver is worse off by trying than just accepting the current situation as fact. Such effort is completely wasted. Wasting energy is foolishness. More to come on that score.

What is going to be revealed next is the most important learning a human being can receive. It relieves one of the futility of an existence in a world of ever increasing problems. And brings peace.

For centuries humans were baffled with a problem of alcoholism. Nothing they tried helped. The poor creatures afflicted by the condition were seemingly beyond aid. They were condemned to a horrible life leading to a pitiful death meanwhile inflicting pain on those who loved them. Then came a miraculous discovery by two drunkards themselves that resulted in the formation of Alcoholics Anonymous. Millions have recovered from a seemingly hopeless condition!

The heart of the Twelve Steps is Number One. It is an admission that the fact is a fact. The admission is no easy matter. Great courage is required to actually mean it when one says “I am powerless to do anything to change my situation.” Hopefully, some who have not faced such a moment can still feel its power in there lives. By the strength of the admission self is removed from the picture long enough for a selfless solution to occur in a flash of insight. A direct flash!  Seeing the fact as it is is all that was ever needed! These men and women never drank alcohol again, not as a punishment or retribution for sin but by an obvious realization that absent self-centered interest which sets humans at odds with each other and nature they had no use whatsoever for alcoholic consumption. Freedom is a fact now for those fortunate ones who can understand the real problem was.…me… and that eliminates the need for problem solving for all time.

My sponsor in AA told me that every morning since he made the admission his first order of business is to humble himself before Truth and admit from his soul that I am going into the world today without sword or shield so if I need defending today in any way, you, are going to have to do it for I am not going to lift a finger in my own defense nor to have my own way.

Do you see the implications of such an attitude? It helped me greatly to recall the meaning of the term”attitude” is derived from the nautical term for the direction of a ship at sea that determines a successful crossing. And I find it humorous indeed that a pair of drunks found the secret to life! There is something about drunks not easily understood by those without the affliction which involves a stubborn refusal to march in lockstep with the crowd that is wasting so much energy solving problems in the interest of self that always create so many more. The great poet William Blake wrote: The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom; for we never know what is enough until we know what is more than enough.

In my own case, I can say that since I began following my sponsor’s daily attitude I find it is so that one in that posture has no response psychologically whatever to insult or threat. There is simply nothing present to receive them. What happens is in the nature of pure action and that is precisely the same secret discovered by those first two drunks who formed AA. Pure action is quite different from self-centered action or problem solving. It is from a different dimension entirely. It is a fact. Try it for yourself. It will do you no good until it is your truth. There is virtually no power in believing somebody else. Find out.

Monday, December 27, 2021


I’ve been reading a very different book to any I have read before called The Origin of Vermillion by Katy Masuga. I ordered it because I heard her interviewed in France or Belgium concerning the book and learned she is a lover of Henry Miller’s writing and has written two monographs on his works and I happened upon Henry Miller at a tiny library in Jonestown Texas and found inside its pages a close friend so I wanted to read her book as soon as possible. 

Writing a play concerning wild kids has taken me back to Bob Dylan again and again. I own two DVD’s of his early career in the 60’s. There is a time on a European tour in 1966 in Italy where a reporter asked him, “When will you return to Italy?” And Bob replies, in pain, holding his head and rocking, “I don’t know. I just want to go home.”

In that is something all humans have that fascinates me. "I just want to go home." The alpinist wants that. In her book at one point Katy Masuga writes about a character who sees a trail of skywriting with a crowd who are trying to read the message and all the particular character sees is a message for him directly. “They are signaling me “ he says. He cannot read the words, does not consider the message to be words, only beauty, exquisite beauty. 

It is a life that amounts to a following of signals of exquisite beauty that I find to be real. At a point of watching all collapses into a wholeness, like cream stirred into a cup of hot coffee, and nobody is there to say that some signaler who can be named sent a message to some receiver who can be named. It happened. It is being home. 

I am beginning to appreciate the difference between “concentration” of ones faculties (school learning) and “giving full “attention" of all one’s faculties to all there is (adventure) two entirely different ways of living…different dimensions. I find it profoundly sacred that the people who know a remarkable mountain climber or tight rope walker report he is doing something extremely dangerous as seen from where they are situated and yet is completely at peace and comfortable. Don’t you?

Sunday, December 26, 2021


After being plagued with miseries arising from within me from anger, fear, hatred, and sex problems for some period of time I suddenly admitted to myself that I am all of it and can do nothing about that. I came to an abrupt halt with all dialog over the years of denial and the commitments to become a better person. I had had it is the best I can express it. No more. In the instant I mention I met God in the sense I met the place inside where mankind must have originally discovered God-not the concept but the reality because as suddenly as I made the admission I felt the deepest peace I had ever known. The feeling is freedom. What a surprise I had! Never had it occurred to me that If I admitted my shortcomings in a genuine way, passionately, I would find what I had so long striven for. Peace at last!

In a miraculous fashion I had come to see the source of all my misery had been the “talking image” of my self that had been planted in my brain and fed by society and to discover true God as a breath of fresh air. The answer was blowing in the wind for me but I had been listening to confused noise and could not hear it.  Suddenly, scriptural wisdom was freely my own. That which I was searching for I had. That which I was searching for I had not lost. It is situated in such a place it cannot be taken from me, a place where moth and dust do not corrupt. Divine consciousness makes me humanly present. No politics for me. No organized religion for me. I know that a regular bowel movement is far more valuable than discovering a gold mine.

Friday, December 24, 2021

 Sometime about 8,000 years ago or earlier some humans ceased a hunter-gatherer way of life and promoted living in settled communities with designated worship sites apart from others not associated in their minds as “one of them”. Later these were replaced by larger and larger temples for worship of the god or gods of their imaginations which were thought to have the interest of the members of a group as its priority since these were the very people who “believed” in the particular god or gods they  prayed to and who performed the rituals to flatter, gratify and coerce them (and the angels and fairies and other imagined helpers to them) to take their side on matters. Probably, this odd and foolish practice was begun by someone’s brain asking the question: Can I have a better life? The “I” or “Self” asking it is at the center of such a thought. Self-centered thought was activated at fixed locations and envy was born into the world. Which immediately was followed by the question:  “How can I accomplish a better life?” Envy proliferates like a wildfire. Human brains changed. Had to. And with it was built a mentally drawn world of problems. 

Schools were thought up as a need in this new world to develop children into problem solvers instead of playful wild monkeys. Solving problems brought the political world into fashion. Had to. Leaders and planners of this “progressive” scheme had to be designated as had been the imagined gods for better living by the community. So, it was thought that it would be most advantageous to have the imagined gods and their helpers appoint the political leaders for the community. This practice is so widespread and entrenched in thought it has become what is called and understood to be “natural” when it is anything but natural. Political power and religious power on Earth are both products of self-centered thinking and, therefore, quite unnatural. The important thing to find out is that self center is not you, is not even existent. Do you understand that? 

The term “human nature” is bandied about in schools everywhere though it has no legitimate meaning at all.  Better it would be to call what is going on here the nature of chaotic thinking. All historical study is really the study of self-centered thinking. It is so chaotic it is even labeled to be “Freedom” by the intelligentsia. It has to be the history of false freedom and false progress. But, understandably, is the result of a prideful curiosity. Let us worship ourselves is a pleasurable idea. Even though that history turns out to be abundantly humiliating! History of every form of human suffering. 

One argument commonly advanced in defense of what has been labeled human nature is the one that goes “every combat soldier under fire on a battlefield will pray to the God we taught him to pray to!” That is supposed to prove everybody who hears the message is really a Christian. In actuality, that argument begs the question. Only consider the life of any such poor soldier under fire at the moment and the prayer amounts to “Can I have better way of life?” So our children are still asking the question thousands of years after problem solving on behalf of a designated portion of humanity, with its separate flag, arose because it has definitely not worked to provide a better way of life. In fact, each soldier is most likely to call out “Mama?” That cry is at the heart of the passion in the writer which writes this piece today. “Mama? Are you there?”

Nobody speaks for the whole of humanity. Every attempt at improving life for fewer than all has created more problems. In awhile, people in everyone of these fixed communities were flooded with problems. More and more effort to solve them eventually led to incursions upon neighboring peoples and brought warfare, the ultimate chaos. People invented more and more ways to try and force “other” people, viewed as “enemies”, to provide a better way of life to them. Conquest became a justified activity until, ultimately, it became settled in human thought as a duty owed to gods who instructed them in warfare in their imaginations and instructed them in the educating of their children to make of them killers and masters of “other” conquered humans. Politicians and church personnel preach that to suffer as we do is our fate as proof of our needing them to continue to lead us. Where? Belief got us into this mess and the belief we cannot do any better while living on Earth as humans is all that is keeping us there. Another term for that”belief” is fear.

Crucial to the development and growth of the mess we are in today was the asking initially of “How can I have a better world”. And the one, if not the only, answer being “We must call on a Greater Power” to show us the way to have a better life because we do not know how. In this manner what can be called the true Satan came to be leader of human activity on Earth. A true God or Creative force is the champion of all or none at all of its creation. That goes without saying. Nature, including its humans, is in balance. Cease praying for anything better and find the humility to say : ”Thank You for a balanced world!” What follows that will astound.

Satan is the name for the giver of better ways. People pray to Satan using names like “Heavenly Father”.  In his great song “With God On Our Side” a very young Bob Dylan pointed out this insanity worldwide. In his way, a child of the time simply pointed out to everyone the “Emperor” is naked in a brilliant song. Hans Christian Anderson had made a children’s story ages before to warn of the terrible spell the adults had fallen under. The story has been translated into over 100 languages worldwide. As a child I heard the story, liked it very much, but what can a kid do to change what is happening among grownups? God’s on our side is a complete contradiction. Bob Dylan also wrote words that caused an uproar of feeling in his beloved song, “Blowing In The Wind”. The answer, he sings, is unfolding for us all, together, as one, with no effort on our part. It is done. We gotta find the way inside ourselves, friends, where the true creation of each human has taken place already, or not at all. Satan, the giver of better ways, completely an illusion, is a very powerful fact now, and ain’t gonna change its stripes. Can I have a better life? is a confession of “confusion”. Confusion makes only more confusion.

Wouldn’t it be strange to hear a human voice ask, “How can I help somebody else have a better life”? Actually, a facet of the way humans live that is mostly ignored is how obvious it is that within every grouping of man that excludes anybody there almost immediately arises conflict. It grows, too. Americans, for example, do horrible things to each other. It is the same for all other groupings. Insiders in the development and operation of a hospital feud and deceive and play cutthroat with their co-workers. The way of self-centered gratification fails in all its attempts. Still it is done as if mandated by God or human nature. It can be ended. Seeing will end it.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

 Earth is home. It is hospitable. 

There is a path for you through the rush 

that is revealed as you go along merrily with a song. 

Saturday, December 18, 2021


For this piece I will begin with a plethora of recent intellectual voices via the internet which tell everyone  who is connected to it concentration of too much wealth has finally led to concentration of too much power and the masses of people have little or no hope now for improvement in their lives. We are falling without a net. Politicians are fully controlled by the enormously rich 1/10 of one percent  of the population.  There is no influence at all in the area of policymaking on behalf of the rest (99.9 %) of the population. It’s over. Democracy, that is. Not even half baked democracy is pretended by citizens anywhere. That is the bad news.

Now for the good news. This is the moment we have all been awaiting for a very long time in every country around the globe.  We, mostly, just did not have the wisdom to see it coming this way. That is simple to understand now.  Almost everyone has been operating inside a political world and cannot see outside that box to realize that the news “It’s over “ is good news because it forces so many to either give up on life or to look outside of the political box. Fortunately, for the rest, a few have already been through that hopeless time of despair and survived by finding there is a grand life to be had by all beyond the blinders of a political world. Take off the blinders, you put them on.

All those super wealthy few are as vulnerable as any poor peasant can be and as powerless as any drunkard with a bottle. Drunk on money are they.  And, in truth, money is an illusion of wealth. The power of the people is the power to say “No”. We will not patronize your e-commerce stores nor your brick and mortar stores. We will not take your jobs and all the benefits you can design to attract us. We are free people at last. A CoVid 19 lockdown has clearly demonstrated your powerlessness vividly. We work for each other! And we have faith in our ability to frame that in a way that requires not a single boss. Only trusted servants may apply to carry out the new way of living on the planet by every single soul of us. We are  Brothers and Sisters of Humanity. This is a new Planet.

I suggest a serious reviewing now of the film “It’s a Wonderful Life” directed by Frank Capra many years ago. It was not very successful at the box office on release but over the years has become more and more popular until now it is a worldwide favorite and for many Christmas would not be complete without it. It is so important to note that none of the people who are responsible for making the film and acting in it made much dough for their efforts but are loved by so many they cannot be counted. That energy is what we are brought at this happiest of times to rely upon. Now we move forward together as freed people. Love is our leader. In the words of Capra’s film, “No one is a failure who has friends.”

The movie had a chance to grow as it has because its copyright expired after 28 years and through clerical error was not renewed so television stations and theaters around the world began to show it as often as they wished without paying a royalty to a copyright holder. See how love works in its time? Love is so efficient no organization of human greed can touch it! Let it work for you! In the beloved names of Bert and Ernie if you remember being a child let love have your hearts and minds and hands and feet. In your heart you know that every life is important. As you watch the film consider yourself to have been cast in the role of Clarence the little angel who wanted his wings more than anything, and got them! All you need you have been given. We need not await death to find Heaven, we make it ourselves, but together, in the sprit that each one of us is as important as the rest.

I am not your teacher or guru. I am but a simple swan who sees how great each of you really are and hastens to tell you so.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

 What’s Gonna Happen?

Although each one is concerned with “What’s gonna happen to me?” the real question is “What’s gonna happen to humanity on Earth?” The above was adapted from James Baldwin’s I am Not Your Negro. We humans are very rapidly approaching a time when computers will determine every detail of every human being’s days while living here. All will do as they are told out of fear. Same day after day.

Life can be a journey. My journey began with a determination to write a first play. Mister Baldwin stated that a journey is a journey because you do not know where it will lead you or what it will show you or what you find may do to you. I begin now.

Jewsus was murdered in Tear and Year One. Crazy Horse was murdered in 1877. Billy the Kid was murdered in 1881. Pat Garrett was murdered in 1908. John Kennedy was murdered in 1963. Martin and Bobby were murdered in 1968. Bob Dylan wrote a song most foul about John Kennedy’s murder.

Face the facts. Human thought has created a world filled with lesser and greater humans. The idea is everywhere throughout all societies. In fact it is the heart of a society. Those not greater or lesser have no interest in an organized society. Why was it necessary ever for a human being to create out of the brain the concept of a greater or lesser human being? What is the source of such thinking? The thinking is that freedom is the right to strive to become greater as defined by the system. Seriously, now, could that be even associated with freedom or is it a solid definition for a form of slavery? 

It looks like this: there is a universal consciousness shared by all humanity psychically. The word psyche is from the Greek and is little understood, like the terms love or God. All people are far more powerful psychically than we realize. The psyche means that in every man and woman that concerns an inner world. Humans, a long time ago, disconnected from it meaning ceased to live in the moment solving any problem that arises immediately without creating a new problem as free humans. Something may have happened that caused some people to feel unsafe.  Perhaps it is connected to the Satan story wherein a favorite angel rebels against the Creator. Wants power. Whatever happened we crossed a line as a people. We substituted conditioned thinking based in memory of past experiences for universal consciousness. And we suffer as slaves because our thinking is too limited for a psychic purpose. The inner world is ever bit as vast as that outer one. For example, nobody wins a war. Nobody wins an argument. Nobody is more important than anybody else. Down deep, everybody wants the same thing. Nobody wanted a light bulb. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Those kinds of truth are ignored or forgotten by science as we know it. Our solutions from limited knowledge always create more problems. 

Einstein himself became terribly distraught about the release of atomic energy and what to do about it. We sense we are going to be buried in the problems we create. That is a hell of a way to live and nobody need be told that! It was sold to us as children to be  a way to free ourselves by making choices as individuals while also trying to somewhat consider the needs of whole humanity. Well, it turns out choice is not freedom. It is division within a person’s psyche and a house divided against itself is confused so cannot stand. It was a sorry trick for we are in fact slaves now to “What about me?” And the separate “me” we worry about is a thought without existence as a fact. A fictitious conceit, like a cold, is the common disease. A robber, it takes the ease from life that lies in universal consciousness. Rather than being “me” we are in disconnect from universal consciousness. Pity.

Around 2006, a short 15 years ago, I was living in a quiet, peaceful village outside Austin Texas. Traffic there was practically nonexistent. I am told today the average cost of a house in that neighborhood is 

$ 500,000 and the next silicon valley will include about thirty miles of land stretching from that small village to Marble Falls Texas!

The word God can have two entirely different meanings now. The original meaning is: that which gives life and feeds us naturally which all living things share in common…the source of the universal consciousness referred to above. The new meaning is: What we must be taught how to pray to and how to live so as to please or gratify in order to be given what we want as individuals. We may pray, “Lord protect my sheep, protect my family, protect my nation, protect me, destroy my enemies. We are taught these things concerning the psyche by so-called spiritual experts or priests who study as scientists study the material world and inform the masses.  Many are told it is noble to suffer and struggle to arrive some day, after death, at an understanding of what has been done to them. Others are taught “psychic” tricks or secrets as effective tools to compete for toys in the greedy, competitive material world and come out wealthy… too late. And it is about as effective as science in the job of improving life for humans. Sad is it to find out every being had within all along the key which can never be lost. What’s gonna happen? 

It is not too late to reconnect to universal consciousness. That is, to have a brain entirely free of conditioned thinking in matters of the psyche and to be clear to solve problems immediately as they arise without causing more. I moved from the village that is becoming a crowded city to continue to live a wonderful, fulfilling, exciting, creative life with no worries and lots of love outside the reach of conceited chaos. Your brain ain’t your brain, man, it is the brain of humanity. Ain’t that grand news! Know thyself. 

Sunday, December 5, 2021


We worship thinking. We are afraid is why. We want to feel safe. So, by thinking we invent a god. The God we invent we think to be invincible we think made us and we think therefore loves us and will take care of us. We get sick or our child is sick or our lover is sick. Why did God we invented and named God with a capital G not save us? Our enemies tell they have God, too. Can we keep them from having a god? Kill em all? Does my god hate my enemies? He must be no larger than me. Oh, my God! Thinking is rational for building a proper tepee but not for inventing a God. That is a rank insult to what God there be.

Maybe it is not so important to name God and pray to it, arrange and re-arrange characteristics, as it is to know whether we have any way, as we are made, to actually be safe? Someone said “Know Thyself”. Suppose with me for a moment  that from the perspective of an actual God to pray using a name we invent for selfish protection for me and mine is such a pathetic demonstration  of no faith, zero faith, love must go deaf. Love, in whose shadow is real safety, is interested in our stepping forth on a journey for a limited lifetime in search of shelter to discover what love is all about by helping each other on our way.

Here is a confession. It is pathetic. I am a Texas Tech Red Raider fanatic. I want badly for my team, in all its endeavors, to defeat other schools in games of competition.  I spend time and money in pursuit of such nonsense. So far, my team only wins about half the games. I also know that should they win them all some year and be crowned national champions, the teams will be expected to repeat that every year for many years to come. A  goal  is always, always always going to disappoint. The reward for doing a good job is to be loaded with heavier and heavier loads until you break. For what? To prove what? What kind of a god is behind that silliness? 

There is reason by my confession to label myself a big fool who is wasting his life, valuable time he could spend in loving ways. It is vain to believe people love each other. Love, when found, shelters and inspires people. Make something beautiful.  Beauty comes not from a person. Ask any artist. It comes from unknown regions all of us are here to discover. All are artists. Ask yourself. I say to you, now, I want to busy myself in that direction for as long as I have left to live.

Thursday, December 2, 2021


Let’s Be Honest About It

We are messed up. Humans live lives here that are confused, out of control, and scary. It is so tangled up it defies analysis. Opinions fall all over the place and putting them together is worse than leaving them alone. All our relationships are injured, broken and incomplete. We are struggling to make some kind of sense from nonsense. Every decision made that way makes things worse. My life is a bunch of irritating noise. I wish I could walk away from it. What can anybody do? Face the fact. You and I can do nothing about it. It is like admitting I did nothing to make the world so who am I to change it? Hey, who am I? I have been trying to change things all my life. Could that be the real problem? Can I change? 

Why bother to ask anybody how?  Who would answer? All we can do is ask the question of nobody, let it go, expect no answer. Do not answer it yourself. Do not even say I believe the answer will be X. See whether the question answers itself. I just got my answer.